Live Life Enthusiastically

“Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity.”

Bo Bennett

You may inherently tend to be more “Miss Susie Sunshine” than “Debbie Downer,” but the truth is enthusiasm is a choice.

Enthusiasm is derived from passion. Sometimes that passion is instinctive and at other times we have to train our brains to think enthusiastically. Living as an enthusiastic person requires motivation and dedication. Since we live in a world that bombards us with negativity, it also takes true grit.

This may sound like a lot of effort and it is. The good news is that recent research indicates that people who live enthusiastically not only live happier, more productive lives now, they are also positioning themselves to enjoy much better cognitive health as they grow older. It turns out that the brain thrives on enthusiasm because excitement, joy, and feelings of accomplishment cause the release of happy chemicals in the brain called endorphins.

Being enthusiastic about doing good for others has far reaching benefits and it also allows you to rationalize your commitment of time, money, and energy because you view it as an unselfish act. You need to be at least a little bit selfish with your enthusiasm as well. It is okay to do something that makes you feel energized, that gives you pleasure, and that you do just for you. The irony is that by being a little selfishly enthusiastic, everyone around you wins. Your family and friends, coworkers, and even strangers you meet benefit by being around a happier, less stressed, motivated, and passionate person.

If you have not already identified what you are enthusiastic about, find something that excites you. What cause or activity do you feel is time well spent? What and who do you care about? What do you feel good about after spending time, money, or effort on it? What makes you smile?

An easy place to start your journey towards living an enthusiastic life is to answer the simple question, “What makes me smile?” An important aspect of finding your passion is about creating an environment of happiness. Including people in your life that lift you up is paramount. It can also be as simple as collecting items in your favorite color or displaying small treasures you collect at flea markets.

Find ways to surround yourself with simple things that bring a smile to your face. Those who know me know I love Snoopy and I have pictures of him sprinkled throughout my offices. I love Snoopy because his simplistic grin reminds me to smile in the middle of chaotic days. Because I have enthusiastically injected him into areas where I am likely to be stressed, he has also reminded me to share smiles with others. So I encourage you to start small, find your Snoopy, and let your enthusiasm grow from there.

Whatever your passion becomes make sure it is something that is attainable and within the limits of your time, money, and energy. Set yourself up for success so you and those who are around you can start benefitting from the power of enthusiasm.

Picture of Karen Poteat

Karen Poteat

Karen Poteat – LPN, Gerontology & Dementia Specialist Guest columnist, Karen Poteat is a licensed nurse with over 25 years’ experience as a gerontology and dementia specialist. She owns and operates 2 specialized senior programs, Aiken Active Seniors and Club Thrive Activity Center, where she proactively helps people living with dementia and their families be their very best. She created Confetti for Your Brain, which can also be found on Facebook, to share insights, tips, and the latest best practices to help you keep your brain happy so you can age well. Karen can be contacted at 803-226-0355 or at [email protected]. For more information about her local programs for seniors, please visit the centers at 944 Dougherty Road or learn more on the web at and
Picture of Karen Poteat

Karen Poteat

Karen Poteat – LPN, Gerontology & Dementia Specialist Guest columnist, Karen Poteat is a licensed nurse with over 25 years’ experience as a gerontology and dementia specialist. She owns and operates 2 specialized senior programs, Aiken Active Seniors and Club Thrive Activity Center, where she proactively helps people living with dementia and their families be their very best. She created Confetti for Your Brain, which can also be found on Facebook, to share insights, tips, and the latest best practices to help you keep your brain happy so you can age well. Karen can be contacted at 803-226-0355 or at [email protected]. For more information about her local programs for seniors, please visit the centers at 944 Dougherty Road or learn more on the web at and

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