Aiken’s Character Initiative Enthusiasm

The Aiken Characteristic of the month for March is Enthusiasm. Google defines enthusiasm as an intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. It is a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and a desire to be involved in it. It means having an active and motivated attitude instead of a passive one.

Who chooses your attitude? Being enthusiastic is a choice, and your enthusiasm can motivate others to achieve their goals and objectives. I think enthusiasm is good for health and can add to the quality of life. Being enthusiastic about yourself, even about your negative experiences, obstacles, struggles, and encounters, can change the vibration and impact of your efforts and lead to new and positive change.

It is wise to use enthusiasm with reason and purpose. My purpose is to show love and help create a peaceful and positive environment. If there are a hundred reasons to make a person feel sad, there are a thousand reasons to make a person smile.

Enthusiasm in Action

When thinking of a person who displays enthusiasm regularly and consistently, two people came to mind: my South Aiken High School teammate and co-captain, Jake Anderson, and my dad, Howard Bush.

Jake and I connected first on the basketball courts of Kennedy Middle School, and we have been teammates and friends ever since. As iron sharpens iron, so does one brother sharpen another. Jake has been enthused about life every day I have seen him. From jumping up and down after making tackles, to co-hosting the Sports Report, to being an example of how to be a good student, friend, brother, and leader, to now recruiting high school talent to study business at Clemson University, Jake Anderson is an example of what enthusiasm looks like. He is positive, shares a smile, and is always eager, ready and willing to help someone. It is something that is important to him, intentional, and it adds to his impact and support of so many others. Thank you Jake, his mom, dad, and brother for their enthusiasm and love in all they do.

I also have to mention my dad, Howard Bush. From him I learned and witnessed enthusiasm and its impact. His distinct laugh and overall expression and reaction to life and opportunity are always an example of enthusiasm to me.

I often recognize an organization or company that displays the Aiken Characteristic of the Month, and the United Way of Aiken County is an organization that I have witnessed consistently display enthusiasm in its operations. The mission to support so many people and organizations in Aiken County causes the organization to be present and involved in many diverse actions in the area. Rain or shine, hot or cold, inside or outside, formal or informal, the individuals responsible for the completion of their mission are always positive, smiling, grateful, and enthused in their actions. It adds to the effectiveness, connectivity, understanding, and impact on the opportunities they provide for so many in our community. Chick-fil-A on Whiskey Road in Aiken is another establishment where I experience positive enthusiasm.

Where can you positively and effectively use enthusiasm this month? At work, at home, even at Steeplechase, wearing a smile, sharing enjoyment or excitement, enthusiastically telling someone to have a great day — displaying enthusiasm in your actions adds to your impact and influence. It also graces you with a feeling of fulfillment, pleasure, and peace — it makes you feel good. Enthusiasm reduces fear, increases confidence, and fuels passion. But remember to use it wisely. We have the power to speak life into each other and to share good vibes and hope.

We are blessed to live in Aiken, SC. I am so grateful and enthusiastic about the opportunities in this community. The opportunity to live, to develop friendships, to accomplish meaningful work, to use and gain skills, knowledge, and talent, to help others help others. What are you good at? What do you like to do? What makes you feel good? What are you curious about? We all have talents and skills that we can use to help others and to add to the quality of life. I hope you enthusiastically win the day, and find a way, or make a way, to invest in yourself, dreams, and wishes. I wish you a great day, a better week, and an enthusiastic month.

Inspire Enthusiasm in Your Employees

  1. Give them an inspiring purpose. A crucial part of keeping employees motivated and excited about their jobs is giving them a purpose they understand and are proud of.
  2. Acknowledge their work.
  3. Become their advocate.
  4. Help them improve.
  5. Communicate openly with them.
  6. Promote teamwork among them.
  7. Deal with demotivators.
Picture of Byron Bush

Byron Bush

Byron Bush is the Director of Business Development for Empowered Global Solutions, Inc., a certified Woman Owned Small Business specializing in engineering, IT, environmental, construction, supply chain, safety, finance, and administrative staffing & recruiting. He is also the President & CEO of Bright & Bold Entertainment and B&B Network, LLC – a network of people and businesses who help each other develop business, wealth, and leadership. Byron serves on the Board for the USCA Inclusion Advisory Board, Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness (CNTA), Aiken Center for the Arts, Treasurer for Education Matters, and a member of Aiken Young Professionals and the Royal Aikenites. He graduated from South Carolina State University with a Degree in Accounting, played on the SCSU Football and Golf teams, and joined the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Byron was born in Ellicot City, Maryland, raised in Aiken, SC, and he works to make every day a great day.
Picture of Byron Bush

Byron Bush

Byron Bush is the Director of Business Development for Empowered Global Solutions, Inc., a certified Woman Owned Small Business specializing in engineering, IT, environmental, construction, supply chain, safety, finance, and administrative staffing & recruiting. He is also the President & CEO of Bright & Bold Entertainment and B&B Network, LLC – a network of people and businesses who help each other develop business, wealth, and leadership. Byron serves on the Board for the USCA Inclusion Advisory Board, Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness (CNTA), Aiken Center for the Arts, Treasurer for Education Matters, and a member of Aiken Young Professionals and the Royal Aikenites. He graduated from South Carolina State University with a Degree in Accounting, played on the SCSU Football and Golf teams, and joined the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Byron was born in Ellicot City, Maryland, raised in Aiken, SC, and he works to make every day a great day.

In the know

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