Aiken’s Character Initiative Enthusiasm

The Aiken Characteristic of the month for March is Enthusiasm. Google defines enthusiasm as an intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. It is a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and a desire to be involved in it. It means having an active and motivated attitude instead of a passive one. Who chooses your attitude? Being enthusiastic is a choice, and your enthusiasm can motivate others to achieve their goals and objectives. I think enthusiasm is good for health and can add to the quality of life. Being enthusiastic about yourself, even about your negative experiences, obstacles, struggles, and encounters, can change the vibration and […]
Fasting For Faith and Health

When I was a child it was the custom in my family and in my church to give something up for Lent. This was most often a food such as candy or soft drinks. The couple of years that I gave up candy for Lent, the candy that I got in my basket on Easter Sunday morning tasted even sweeter because I had not eaten candy for about six weeks. As a child I did not understand the spiritual implications of fasting, or that it might have health implications as well. Fasting as a Spiritual Discipline Fasting is a tradition in many religions including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. […]
Nutritional Deficiency

A Focus on ADD and ADHD Medications So many suffer from ADD and ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and are on medications to manage symptoms and unwarranted behaviors. Unfortunately these medications can create adverse reactions, and more importantly, they can deplete us of many vital nutrients responsible for normal, healthy functioning. ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed childhood psychiatric condition in America. The core symptoms of ADHD include inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. These behaviors are so persistent in people with ADHD that they interfere with everyday life. Generally these symptoms appear before the age of 7 years and cause significant functional problems at home, in school, […]
Hooves, Paws and Claws Benefit for Aiken Equine Rescue Event

Hooves, Paws and Claws Benefit for Aiken Equine Rescue Event to Feature BBQ Cookoff, live auction, and music If asked to name the most admired nonprofits in our community, many people would put Aiken Equine Rescue (AER) on or near the top of their list. Don’t miss a great opportunity to support them in their endeavors at their first Hooves, Paws and Claws event to be held March 8 from 1 to 8 pm. Partnering in the event is Mollie’s Militia, which rescues dogs and cats from shelters that need a little special care before moving on to their forever homes. Held on the picturesque Aiken Equine Rescue property at […]
Driving Horses | Don’t Let the Kids Have All the Fun

Hang it all up when you’re no longer having fun, but delay that day as long as possible Now that I’m in Aiken, which I fondly refer to as “Horse Central,” I’m never going to move away as long as my horse lives. I’m planning on at least another twenty years, or whatever number of years God grants me and “Rhett” good health and happiness together. Every imaginable equestrian discipline has followers in Aiken, except maybe rodeo events and troika races. There are likely as many dressage trainers as Baptist churches in Aiken County, and I imagine that carriage driving is probably the least popular of the many equestrian disciplines […]
Is Your Head on Straight? Because Your Horse Knows If It’s Not!

With enthusiasm, my husband and I moved to the great community of Aiken two years ago. We were attracted to Aiken for many reasons: the size of the community, the vibrant downtown, the many civic and social activities, the weather, and so much more. To my surprise and delight, I came to realize the rich heritage of the equine community here. From the many artful horse statues throughout the town, to the street names honoring horses with a connection to Aiken, and the experience of watching these majestic creatures cross Whiskey Road while the traffic waits for their regal “parade”. All of these things add to the flavor and culture […]
My Aiken Breakin’ HeART… of the Horse Festival

What do you call an Amish guy with his hand in a horse’s mouth? A mechanic. I grew up in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania — Amish Country. As a kid, that joke was hilarious. Horses where just those animals that pulled the buggies that made traffic slow to a crawl. Their metal shoes would destroy the roads. And then there were the road apples. There’s nothing like a fresh pile of horse droppings when you round the corner on your bike a little too fast, so you just pinch your eyes and hold your breath and pedal through. Then we moved to Texas. We had a small farm and cattle ranch. […]
Peace in Our Time — A Poetic Essay

Celebrating V-E Day and V-J Day Plus 75 Years (1945-2020) May 8, 1945 • August 15, 1945 It was the beginning of the end — the end of World War II, the War to end all wars and the beginning of a time for peace. A time for all wars to cease! But with the passage of time, Peace was short lived, Today there are little fires everywhere — with the potential of becoming larger conflagrations and involving all nations. On those two days, we were celebrating PEACE. There was dancing in the streets, sirens were blaring, car horns honking, Parades were quickly assembled, people gathered in front of veterans’ […]
Bella Fella | Reboot: A Mike Thomas Story

The man enters the theater. Alone. Just like always. Soles smack on the sticky floor. Heavy ghosts of buttered popcorn haunt the aisles. He sits in the back corner. Just like always. It takes a certain moxie to go the movies alone. And our guy is chock-full of it. The theater is his place to be alone. It is his sanctuary — his refuge. In the dark of the theater, he is anonymous. The lights dim, and the first preview begins. The first image we see is a young man in a suit and tie. He’s wearing a name tag for a company called Global Spectrum. He’s meeting with another […]
March’s Photo of The Month

The healing power of horses. “This photo is from the Silent Witness Exhibition, which is on display in the Brooks Gallery of the Aiken Center for the Arts, opening March 26. It represents the remarkable healing “connections” possible between off-the-track Thoroughbreds and military veterans suffering from the unseen wounds of post-traumatic stress. It is one of my personally favorite examples of this phenomenal relationship between horse and human – relationships that I have been privileged to witness through a number of programs and organizations to which I have been devoted for years.” Shelly Marshall Schmidt