Knights of the Heart Table | Aiken’s 2020 Heart Show

It all started with a fashion show. A fashion show and a dream of lowering the risk of heart disease for all Americans.

After losing her mother to heart disease, Aiken’s Eleanor Bookstaver was determined to make a difference. Bookstaver founded the Aiken Women’s Heart Board in 1968 with the goal of raising funds for the American Heart Association. After calling on the Aiken community for support, Bookstaver made a bold move. She contacted an acquaintance for help. That acquaintance just happened to be First Lady Mamie Eisenhower. Mrs. Eisenhower enthusiastically agreed to be a founding member of the board. The new Aiken Women’s Heart Board held its first benefit, a fashion show and dinner, and raised $1200. In an effort to attract more men to the audience, a musical revue became the primary benefit for the board. Aikenite Jim Moore agreed to write and direct the show. “My first show was in 1979. We did a dinner theater with three performances, held at St. John’s Church in the gym,” Moore recalls. The show was a success and an Aiken tradition was born. Jim’s son, Jimmy Moore, was little more than five years old at the time. Watching his father direct the show for the first time, Jimmy Moore could not have imagined that he would become a vital part of such a huge endeavor. His father has now served as the writer and director of the Heart Show for over forty years, enabling the Aiken Women’s Heart Board to raise millions of dollars for research into heart disease. Over the years Jimmy has become increasingly involved in the show. From acting and singing to lighting and set design, he has been involved in all phases of show production. In recent years he has taken on some of the script writing responsibilities. This year’s show was, for the first time, written entirely by the younger Moore. “This year my son Jimmy wrote the show. I am just delighted with the script,” Moore says, “He did a terrific job.” Jimmy Moore says he was somewhat anxious about stepping so completely into his father’s shoes. “I was very nervous going into the first read-through with the cast. It went very well though. The actors immediately jumped into character,” says Moore. This year the actors have quite a leap. Back in time, that is. The 2020 show, Knights of the Heart Table, is set in the 1500s. It is sure to provide lots of laughter and amusement as lords and ladies, knights and princesses, all involve themselves in the selection of a new king. Medieval costumes, props, and sets, combined with modern music, ensure the show will be a hit. Song selection is key, often requiring months of effort to achieve the right combination. Long time actor in the show, Brad King, says, “This year’s script is tight. It’s going to be very funny.” Currently comprised of 45 members, the Aiken Women’s Heart Board is dedicated to continuing the vision of Eleanor Bookstaver. The board produces the annual Heart Show, which has become a cherished Aiken tradition. Talented members of the Aiken community come together to bring life to the show, rehearsing throughout January and February. Meanwhile, Heart Board members work diligently behind the scenes. Creating costumes, painting sets and props, selling program ads, and promoting the show are just a few of the jobs the “heart ladies” tackle throughout the year. The board works closely with the Etherredge Center to ensure the show comes together. Coordinating these efforts is Molly Jones, the 2020 benefit chair. “I have the honor of working with our board members, the cast, crew, and band to provide our community with a fabulous live performance. The public has the opportunity to enjoy incredible local talent while helping us raise funds for the fight against cardiovascular disease,” says Jones. The cast, crew, and musicians are hard at work preparing six performances at the Etherredge Center on the campus of USC Aiken, 471 University Parkway, between February 26 and March 1. Tickets are $25 with all proceeds donated to the American Heart Association.

2020 Performances

Wednesday, February 26 7:30 pm

Thursday, February 27 7:30 pm

Friday, February 28 7:30 pm

Saturday, February 29 2 pm matinee

Saturday, February 29 7:30 pm

Sunday, March 1 3 pm matinee

Ticket information is available at or by contacting Heart Board members below:

Karen Wyont 803.649.7650

Janet Wertz 803.507.1935

Frankie Lambright 803.648.8720

Becky Scoggin 803.643.1079

Diane Brace 803.643.9599

Linda Calhoun 706.691.3488

Picture of Melanie Wofford

Melanie Wofford

Picture of Melanie Wofford

Melanie Wofford

In the know

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