The Aiken Characteristic of the Month for February is tolerance. What is tolerance? Why is important? Why would a person want to exhibit tolerance in his or her actions?
Tolerance is the ability or willingness to accept opinions or behaviors that are different from your own and that you may not necessarily like or agree.
Why is it important? There is no one person who is 100% exactly like anyone else. We all live our lives through our own eyes, and no one else has witnessed life through our eyes. We all have different perceptions, thoughts, beliefs, habits, and experiences. We are all connected, and we can relate and share similarities on all levels of life, but at the same time, it would be wise to understand that there are people in the world who think differently; who have different experiences, values, likes, and dislikes; who live in different paradigms. There are people who believe and act in a way that is nothing like you.
Do you think the Aiken community has the tolerance to engage, communicate, understand, and care for one another? I believe Aiken is one of the most humble and tolerant communities in the country, and we have the opportunity to lead our nation by example. Next time someone says something to you that sparks a negative emotion, or next time your significant other does something that is your pet peeve, or next time something makes your day unpleasant, you have an opportunity to exhibit tolerance and grace.
Why do we allow other people’s behaviors to disrupt us? Who is responsible for your emotions? Who is responsible for how you feel? Why would you allow other people to have the power to influence how you feel and act? We each have the power to choose how we respond.
My friend Mrs. Burroughs always said, “It’s not what you see in the fruit, it starts in the root.” Sometimes people’s actions and emotions may have deeper roots than what you see at the surface. Someone who is angry or hurting may act in a way that seems disrespectful or distasteful. I value mutual respect, and I engage others who maintain respect. But there are opportunities for tolerance even when the other person’s actions are disrespectful; call it what it is —
disrespectful — and disengage from it. Do not allow someone else’s remarks or actions to cause you to compromise your own values. Not every comment or action requires, or even deserves, a response. Consider your own life purpose. How do you want to be remembered? Show that in your action. Try to show tolerance to others who don’t understand or agree.
Tolerance is a beautiful characteristic, born of knowledge and understanding, and partnered with humility and wisdom. What is your personal vision? What response will get you closer to your desired result? Have tolerance for other things and people along the way. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Having tolerance will make your journey through life more peaceful and positive. Have a great day, a better week, and remember, it’s not what you think, but what you do! Be Blessed.