The Gift of Love | A Community Love Story

This is a love story. It is a story of a group of people who love Aiken and the people who call Aiken home. It is about friends who were frustrated when they saw too many local needs not being met. It is a story of individuals who decided it was time to do something about it.

The inspiration for the Gifting Tree Foundation was found in several heartfelt conversations. Most of the people in this conversation first met while serving together on a nonprofit board in Aiken. Professionally they are quite different – small business owners, retirees, professionals – but in their hearts they all hold the belief that together they can, and should, make a difference in our area.

Led by Don Cheeks, The Gifting Tree Foundation is a volunteer-based organization designed to assist individuals in need and to support other local charities. They formed the 501(c)(3) nonprofit in late 2018 with personal money to seed the organization, and they have fundraised with the sole purpose of making a significant local impact.

As Cheeks explained, “The goal of the Gifting Tree Foundation is to address the greatest number of needs without incurring unnecessary cost. With no paid staff, nor brick and mortar facility, the money we raise can be used to directly fulfill unmet needs in our community. We have many local nonprofits that struggle to raise funds. We want to be able to help them as well as others working to address critical needs.”

The founders of The Gifting Tree Foundation wanted to have the flexibility to help individuals as well. Monica Key, Board Secretary, explained, “For those instances when a personal need exists from illness, home fire, or even flooding, we have the capability to donate directly to the family. We can’t keep bad things from happening in our community, but we can show these individuals that someone cares.”

Each of The Gifting Tree Foundation’s Directors has served with other local nonprofit agencies. Board Vice Chairman Brian Bernard said, “While these are wonderful organizations, decisions on how the funds were used were made at a regional level without local input. We wanted to be able to address our community’s immediate needs without any red tape.”

In 2019 The Gifting Tree Foundation created a grant process and held its first fundraiser, the Aiken Oyster Roast. Using the event proceeds as well as their own personal donations, the group began to award funds where they saw they could have an impact. 

Educational Needs

Greendale Elementary – $3600 in Supplies

When students are not able to start school with all of the necessary supplies, teachers often purchase items such as earphones, paper, and pencils from their personal funds. The Gifting Tree Foundation chose this school for a donation for necessary supplies to ease the economic burden put upon teachers in this underserved area. This also ensures that the students are equipped and ready to participate fully in all classroom activities.

Leavelle McCampbell Middle School – $1000

The Gifting Tree Foundation donated $1000 to the Leavelle McCampbell Chorus Department. Without this donation, the staging of the school’s spring musical production Beauty and the Beast would not be possible. This donation was made to promote a positive experience for these talented students.

Individual Family Needs

Gifting Tree Foundation Board Members learned of a young family of four facing a total loss from a devastating house fire. Although they were safe, they had to start over. In a separate instance, the Board learned of a family of six who had recently relocated to Aiken. They moved from out of state with only the few things they could transport in their car.

In both cases, the Gifting Tree gave the families a monetary donation as well as some assistance with clothing and other necessary items. Annie Cheeks, Board Treasurer, said, “When we give to individual families, we are giving far more than just money. We are giving them a hand up that provides them the confidence that things will be better because there are people who care.”

Partnering with Local Nonprofit Agencies

Area Churches Together Serving (ACTS) – $5000

Providing supplemental heat for older homes and those with inadequate insulation is a life-saving action, particularly for senior citizens and children. With the Gifting Tree donation, ACTS is able to provide compassionate care to those who would suffer without this help. The donation is being used to purchase electric heaters and to provide utility assistance for those in need this winter.

Community Medical Center (CMC) – $5000

The CMC is dedicated to improving the quality of life for low income, uninsured residents of Aiken County. With this donation from the Gifting Tree Foundation, the CMC will purchase a year’s supply of diabetic supplies, including insulin, for their 215 diabetic patients. These supplies are essential for maintaining a healthy approach to managing the disease.

Aiken Center for the Arts (ACA) – $3000

Each summer ACA offers an Art & Music Camp for special needs children. It is designed to provide creative and artistic opportunities for those in Aiken County with traumatic brain injuries, cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome, and other physical/cognitive disabilities. This program is offered at no cost to the children’s families. The Gifting Tree Foundation donation will be used to expand this program for older children with special needs.

These gifts and stories are just a sampling of how the Gifting Tree Foundation has already spread love in Aiken County. According to Don Cheeks, “This is only the beginning for us. We have awarded other grants and we are reviewing even more applications for awards in the first quarter of 2020.” He said, “As long as there is a need, we intend to keep working to make a difference.”

The Gift of Love | A Community Love Story | Aiken Bella Magazine
The Gift of Love | A Community Love Story | Aiken Bella Magazine

Gifting Tree Foundation Officers Annie Cheeks, Brian Bernard and Don Cheeks discuss their donation with Caroline Gwinn, Executive Director, Aiken Center for the Arts.

The Gift of Love | A Community Love Story | Aiken Bella Magazine

The next Aiken Oyster Roast is scheduled for Saturday, March 7 from 6 to 10 pm at the  Western Carolina State Fairgrounds. Tickets are available through

The Gift of Love | A Community Love Story | Aiken Bella Magazine | Aiken Bella Magazine

Gifting Tree Foundation presents a donation for an Art Camp for Special Needs Children at the Aiken Center for the Arts.

Picture of Lyddie Hansen

Lyddie Hansen

Lyddie is an active community volunteer. She retired from SRNS in 2013 and enjoys Aiken year around with her husband, Charlie.
Picture of Lyddie Hansen

Lyddie Hansen

Lyddie is an active community volunteer. She retired from SRNS in 2013 and enjoys Aiken year around with her husband, Charlie.

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