Purposeful Wellness | Live Life Fully, Today!

“If you could wake up tomorrow morning and set out on a course to do anything in the world you want, knowing that everything you need to accomplish it was going to be provided, what would you wake up and do tomorrow?” During the last few weeks of my father’s life, this was the constant question that turned out to be one of the most meaningful conversations I have had in my life. I had spent the seven years prior to this conversation on an intentional journey to figure out my personal purpose and live it. But this conversation grabbed my soul. My father was dying. He knew it and […]
Breast Health | Hope

Dr. Jill Buchanan Enter, of Aiken Physician’s Alliance, is a general surgeon with a special interest in helping women maintain good breast health. “It’s the beginning of a new year, a time when we think about health and how we can better take care of ourselves,” she said.“As a female physician, one thing I highly recommend is for women to have their yearly mammogram.” She said women should get a mammogram annually beginning at age 40. “There is some literature out there that says women should get them every other year starting at 45, but I don’t support that,” Enter said. “Breast cancers are found every year in younger women, […]
Creativity: A Healthy Habit | Studio over Laurens — a Place to Create

A ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday, December 6, commemorated the official opening of Studio over Laurens at 142 Laurens Street SW. As a space for photographers, videographers, and so much more, it has a true cooperative spirit. Ladonna Armstrong relays how the whole idea was hatched. “I was talking with Tony Gouge and Chris McKeel, who collaborate with me on Bella, and they said it would be great to have studio space downtown that various photographers could share,” she says. “There are some amazing spaces in the Croft Building; however, that wasn’t exactly what Tony and Chris were looking for.” Ladonna recalls, “I originally saw this space in December of […]
Social Media In Balance

It’s January and your New Year’s Resolution is to give up social media entirely. You spend one day feeling virtuous, then a few more days feeling anxious as you wonder what you’re missing out on. By the end of the first week, you’ve caved, reinstalled all the apps on your phone, and spent hours binging on Facebook and Instagram. Spending too much time on social media isn’t healthy, but you don’t have to give it up entirely. If you’re worried that your virtual life has overtaken your real life, try going on a social media diet instead. When you go on a food diet to lose weight, you don’t stop […]
January Photo of the Month

The night time photo is from a trip to Moab, Utah last year. The pinion pine is situated on the edge of a cliff in Dead Horse State Park. The park has some beautiful views overlooking a canyon and the Colorado River. At night it is incredibly dark when there is no moon and the Milky Way is clearly visible. To get this shot, I had to position my camera on a tripod about 10 feet away from the edge of the cliff and 1000 foot drop. So I had to take great care when walking around in the dark. It was an incredible experience.