Simple Wellness Resolutions

Have you ever wondered how your friend who is very ill can be so happy? Or how your friend who has everything going for him or her can always feel so down?

Their level of wellness is often the answer.

Our health is something we often cannot control. However, our feelings and attitudes about our life circumstances, often referred to as wellness, are things we have the power to improve.

There are at least eight dimensions of wellness — spiritual, social, financial, occupational, physical, environmental, intellectual, and emotional. Even the smallest improvement in one of these areas can be truly life altering.

Here are two wellness resolutions to help make 2020 your best year yet.

Resolve to be Social

I’m not talking about having hundreds of friends on social media. I mean have at least one person in your life who makes you feel really good, a person who makes you smile, whose hugs melt away all of your worries, and who you truly look forward to connecting with. Today in a diner I witnessed such a relationship.They weren’t old friends. In fact, just the opposite — they were once just one stranger serving another stranger a meal. What started out as casual conversation had obviously blossomed into a true friendship because I could feel the joy between them as they exchanged Christmas presents. So you see, even if you don’t have that person in your life right now, he or she may be waiting for you in some unexpected place. I guarantee the person you await isn’t hiding in your living room so get out there, be social, and find that stranger who is waiting to be your friend. And if you already have that special person, put in the effort it takes to continue the relationship in this ever changing world. You can start by taking the time, right now, to tell them how much they mean to you.

Resolve to be Valuable

In terms of wellness, occupation simply refers to the things that give our life purpose. Over time our roles in life change. We transition from being a child and student to being a parent and teacher. Our professional responsibilities evolve over time. Some roles make us feel more valuable than others. But when the role we thought gave us value changes, our value as a human being does not need to change. We just have to figure out what our new purpose is. Maybe our new role isn’t as glamourous or exciting as our previous roles. Or maybe our new roles make us feel we didn’t quite do enough in the past. Whether we contribute something that changes a million lives or contribute something that changes a single moment in the life of one person, we all make a difference. So compliment the stranger in front of you. Work extra hard on that project at work. Read the bedtime story one more time. Each time you make an effort, big or small, to make someone else’s life better, you become more valuable.

Resolve to make small changes to be the best version of you in 2020!

Picture of Karen Poteat

Karen Poteat

Karen Poteat – LPN, Gerontology & Dementia Specialist Guest columnist, Karen Poteat is a licensed nurse with over 25 years’ experience as a gerontology and dementia specialist. She owns and operates 2 specialized senior programs, Aiken Active Seniors and Club Thrive Activity Center, where she proactively helps people living with dementia and their families be their very best. She created Confetti for Your Brain, which can also be found on Facebook, to share insights, tips, and the latest best practices to help you keep your brain happy so you can age well. Karen can be contacted at 803-226-0355 or at [email protected]. For more information about her local programs for seniors, please visit the centers at 944 Dougherty Road or learn more on the web at and
Picture of Karen Poteat

Karen Poteat

Karen Poteat – LPN, Gerontology & Dementia Specialist Guest columnist, Karen Poteat is a licensed nurse with over 25 years’ experience as a gerontology and dementia specialist. She owns and operates 2 specialized senior programs, Aiken Active Seniors and Club Thrive Activity Center, where she proactively helps people living with dementia and their families be their very best. She created Confetti for Your Brain, which can also be found on Facebook, to share insights, tips, and the latest best practices to help you keep your brain happy so you can age well. Karen can be contacted at 803-226-0355 or at [email protected]. For more information about her local programs for seniors, please visit the centers at 944 Dougherty Road or learn more on the web at and

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