Served: A Back and Forth between Matthew Wynn and Paige Rabon

M: A club? I don’t mean to be backhanded, but why go to a club?

P: A club brings people together and provides an environment perfect for exercising and having fun with friends. In good company, time passes quickly and any activity is more enjoyable.

M: So I’d have to … do stuff. Like what?

P: Swimming is a whole body activity, using all muscle groups. It builds strength, endurance, and aerobic fitness. Organized swimming provides skill practice and aerobic activity while having fun with friends, but even casual swimming is beneficial.

M: You do realize it’s winter?

P: Even though it is hard to think of temperatures warm enough to swim in December and January, the friendships from swimming carry us through the winter months in other activities on the tennis courts.

M: Tennis? Isn’t that Dr. Tiffany’s pastime?

P: Tennis involves team building as well as personal accomplishment. Hand-eye coordination and agility are developed in tennis, as well as mental focus and endurance. Local leagues, clinics and United States Tennis Association (USTA) leagues are great ways to enjoy healthy exercise year-round.

M: I’m a sports … fan. Isn’t that enough?

P: Physical activity provides more than just physical benefits: it boosts our state of mind and balances our emotions. Getting outside and getting moving expands mental awareness and stretches the body. Commitment to a team activity keeps us accountable to get out and participate.

M: I didn’t get what I wanted for Christmas this year.
What should I do?

P: Give yourself the gift of health and wellness. Join a club and
get moving.

Picture of Matthew Wynn

Matthew Wynn

Matthew Wynn was born in Pennsylvania, grew up in Texas and attended college in Maine and Oregon. He has been an after-school director, a baker, a cook, and a tour-manager for his best friend’s punk rock band. The son of Alan Maclay (a proprietor of Cold Creek Nursery) and Phyllis Maclay (a noted Bella author), he is the oldest and most charming of his five siblings. Matthew is an awesome husband and is super modest. He enjoys the ironic, most things sarcastic, and at times, the sardonic. He is also a dog-person.
Picture of Matthew Wynn

Matthew Wynn

Matthew Wynn was born in Pennsylvania, grew up in Texas and attended college in Maine and Oregon. He has been an after-school director, a baker, a cook, and a tour-manager for his best friend’s punk rock band. The son of Alan Maclay (a proprietor of Cold Creek Nursery) and Phyllis Maclay (a noted Bella author), he is the oldest and most charming of his five siblings. Matthew is an awesome husband and is super modest. He enjoys the ironic, most things sarcastic, and at times, the sardonic. He is also a dog-person.

In the know

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