Night of 1,000 Lights

Night of 1,000 Lights. December 12, 2019. Photography by Christine McKeel
Holiday Market | Scene Around Town

Holiday Market at Historic Red Top Estate. December 15, 2019. Photography by Christine McKeel
Wellness For Our Youth | Why Are Our Children Sick?

According to the CDC: 3 million children are hospitalized every year 1 in 400 children has diabetes 1 in 40 has autism 1 in 20 has ADHD Half of all children have a chronic disease and more than 40,000 children are in cancer treatment every year. Why are so many children sick? What are we doing to cause this epidemic of poor health in our children? Many people think that diseases “just happen”. Functional medical practitioners know that there are two main causes of illness. On one hand, the body does not get enough of the nutrients it needs. On the other hand, the body gets too many bad things […]
Bella Fella | What’s up, Doc?

A Fan Fiction Interview I’ll bet Dr. Tiffany has more awards than your doctor. I don’t say that to put your doctor down, I’m just saying, the man has accolades. He’s been recognized by multiple peer and community organizations for his dedication to his clients, his community, and for his sweet dance moves.* Ask around Aiken — those who know him take their kids to him. Those who take their kids to him swear by him. I even asked my mom, and she went on for like 10 minutes about how great the good Doc is. But I’ve never met Dr. Tiffany. I’ve never had a doctor friend. So most, […]
January Cabinet of Curiosities

January is the time when we attempt new fitness routines, new diets, new anything that could help us better our minds and bodies. Of course, this obsession with health and wellness is not a new fad. In fact, over 160 years ago, Aiken was known as a health resort and many sickly folks from across the nation came to stay in Aiken with the hope of regaining their vigor. As early as the 1840s, Aiken hosted visitors from the southeastern coast as they sought refuge from coastal diseases in the summer months. And Aiken welcomed visitors from the northeast and the midwest who came to seek a warmer climate during […]

“The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose, new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Years resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective.” Gilbert K. Chesterton I must admit, I was at a loss for words when sitting down to write this month’s editorial. I never really made any New Year’s resolutions that I can remember. I never felt the need to pick one day of the year to […]
Diving Into Wellness | Grin and Bear it

My feet moved to the edge. The air was cold, sharp in my throat. Scared eyes looked down; my heart raced. I knew I had to jump, but couldn’t believe I was about to actually do it. “Count to three, then just let go,” said a stranger in line behind me. I counted to five. And a half. Then I did it; I just let go. I fell. It was freezing. The plummet lasted half an hour, or maybe half a second, I can’t be sure, time bends when you’re free falling. When you leap with both feet, literally, you completely surrender to the moment — to time and space […]
Served: A Back and Forth between Matthew Wynn and Paige Rabon

M: A club? I don’t mean to be backhanded, but why go to a club? P: A club brings people together and provides an environment perfect for exercising and having fun with friends. In good company, time passes quickly and any activity is more enjoyable. M: So I’d have to … do stuff. Like what? P: Swimming is a whole body activity, using all muscle groups. It builds strength, endurance, and aerobic fitness. Organized swimming provides skill practice and aerobic activity while having fun with friends, but even casual swimming is beneficial. M: You do realize it’s winter? P: Even though it is hard to think of temperatures warm enough […]
The History of Medicine

Learning how our modern medical system originated and how it has changed can help you better understand how it functions today. Way back in 400 BC, medicine was called natural medicine. Hippocrates was the founder of natural medicine, based on the belief that the laws of nature induce cures. Our present day Doctors of Naturopathy hold this philosophy. Until the early 1900s, medical schools taught natural healing. These doctors learned the power of herbs and hydrotherapy, and they encouraged the consumption of fruits and vegetables. They were considered naturopaths. Yes, there were snake oil charlatans as well, and this period was considered the wild west of medicine. Anyone could do […]
Importance of Fitness | Resolve

The broken man awakens. His battered body rises from a shoddy bed and staggers to the opposite side of a one room log cabin. Coals glow in the fireplace but the air is cold. On the dresser mirror the man finds a photograph. It captures his attention. His mouth falls open but he doesn’t speak. His face is fierce and unafraid, but in his eyes there is doubt and fear. If he is going to defeat the man in the picture, he has to be stronger. He has to be faster. He has to be better. He races outside into the snow covered mountains of somewhere in Russia, and cuts […]