September 2020 Issue

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Monthly Articles

Join us for the SRS70 Exhibit | Palmetto Bella

Join us for the SRS70 Exhibit

Bring your mask and join us for a COVID friendly Gallery Opening Reception on Thursday, September 10 from 6 – 8 pm  The Aiken Center for the Arts is proud to host an extraordinary exhibit showcasing past and present scenes from SRS as part of its 70th year celebration. The impact of SRS on our community over the last 70 years can’t be overstated. Prior to President Truman’s announcement of the site’s selection as part of a national defense complex, Aiken was best known as an agricultural community and a favorite retreat for wealthy 19th century equestrians. While they had stately homes known as the Winter Colony, their cultural impact

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Changes In Real Estate | Palmetto Bella

Changes In Real Estate

As a listing agent, my job is to address all those questions and make sure they have a full understanding of what to expect before their home hits the market. Many of you might remember Kelvin Jenkins from earlier this year — he was our Bella Fella in February, 2020. We heard “A tale about hard work and love, great family, and best friends.” If you missed it, be sure to visit for “La ballade de Kelvin Jenkins,” written by Matthew Wynn. Kelvin, who represents Keller Williams, went live this year with his own team, Southbound Residential Group. He will be contributing a monthly “Home” column to provide advice

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Dairy Sensitivity and Dairy Substitutes | Palmetto Bella

Dairy Sensitivity and Dairy Substitutes

When she was first at college, my daughter came home and told me a friend of hers at college was sensitive to dairy. She was interested in learning what she might have instead of milk and other dairy products. What are the potential problem components of dairy? Most people who have a dairy allergy or sensitivity are reactive to either the proteins in dairy or the milk sugar, lactose. Lactose intolerance is very common in adults and can be identified by a lab test. Dairy has a number of proteins that may cause allergies or sensitivities, the two most common being casein and whey. There is a less common protein

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The Honey Chile’ Sistergirl Playlist for Getting Your Life Together | Palmetto Bella

The Honey Chile’ Sistergirl Playlist for Getting Your Life Together

This is one of those stories that should start with “OMG, so I was …” I was in the shower so I couldn’t get it written in the moment. Some of my best moments of enlightenment happen when I’m in the shower with Pandora playing. So yesterday I was doing the same thing. I turned on Pandora to my Tank and the Bangas station and the song Walmart started playing. “You know it girl, keep the receipt!” “That was such a full story with some good advice,” is what I thought. And then Eryka Badu came on talking about the baggage we carry around. What if there were a playlist

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Whine and Cheese | Palmetto Bella

Whine and Cheese

Excerpt from Rhinestones on My Flip-Flops “I’m hearing lots of whine; where’s the cheese?” I will never forget the one-liner quoted above. My family was on vacation in Litchfield Beach, South Carolina, and heard the above statement from some “Nath’ners.” Normally when you think about wine and cheese it represents some sort of celebration, but during times of change, we need to watch out for the whine. I am going to admit my worst whiny moment of change. I was in the thick of a horrible family problem. I was shocked, bewildered and just plain pathetic. The event coincided with my caring for my mother-in-law, who was suffering from dementia.

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Has Play Time Changed for your Children? | Palmetto Bella

Has Play Time Changed for your Children?

The Benefits of Interacting with Others during Play Time Your kids are probably not spending much time playing outdoors with their friends. Today’s children play outdoors half as much as their parents did. Far from being a total waste of time, play allows us to fine-tune our motor skills, develop social skills and emotional resilience, and learn our limitations; play is essential for normal, healthy brain development 1 Play Makes You Smarter, Kinder, & Braver The replacement of physical play with technological gadgetry has many experts worried, as research shows playing makes people smarter, braver, and kinder. Science is starting to uncover the intricate connections between play and the development

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Cabinet of Curiosities | Moments of Momentous Change - Time and Time Again | Palmetto Bella

Cabinet of Curiosities | Moments of Momentous Change – Time and Time Again

This month’s focus for Bella is “change.” 2020 has been especially full of changes, and the year isn’t over yet! With the idea that nothing is ever quite new, let’s explore our community’s history and how we have handled periods of great change. The time period is the early 1940s and World War II is in full force. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, young American men left their hometowns, their jobs, and their families to fight against the Axis powers of Germany, Italy, and Japan. While they were away, their mothers, wives, and sisters kept the home front going by working in factories, tending Victory

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Beyond the Barricade - Lisa Fountain | Palmetto Bella

Beyond the Barricade – Lisa Fountain

There are three traits that clearly define Lisa Fountain: devotion to her family, commitment to her job, and a pure passion for performing. Lisa is a Savannah River Site (SRS) baby. While she was born in Lafayette, Tennessee, she arrived in Aiken when she was 10 days old. Her father had accepted a position at the Savannah River Plant in 1962, and his family joined him as soon as Lisa’s mother could travel. Lisa has lived in Aiken County ever since. Her career at SRS began as a janitor in 1986. As she explains, “I got hired into the labor force and was assigned to mop floors in the Tritium

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Horsemanship vs. Humanship | Palmetto Bella

Horsemanship vs. Humanship

We are going to take a break this month from equine nutrition and focus on something that requires you to look at yourself in the mirror. Of course I have to add something equine. 2020 has definitely been a year to remember, or not to remember. Politics, religion, job losses, COVID-19, masking up everywhere, and losing freedoms that we are all so used to enjoying. How would you really know whether the person you happen to meet lost a loved one recently, is going through a divorce, just had an argument with his or her spouse, lost a job, etc.? The other person may be a bit short with you.

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