June 2020 Issue

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Monthly Articles

Facts for Life in 2020 | Aiken Bella Magazine

Facts for Life in 2020

One thing is for certain in life — it goes on. Whether or not a vaccine makes our world safer again, life goes on. The past months have been a wake-up call that demonstrates how little we really control. We all have hopes and dreams for the future, but we are all impacted by current conditions that affect our lifestyle, our workplace, and most definitely our finances. Since the last issue of Bella, we have seen some of the worst and best weeks in market returns. How much of that were you able to control? Unless there is something I am not aware of, the only control that you have

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Riding the Words | Aiken Bella Magazine

Riding the Words

I have a friend who used to ride the rails. It was back in the 1970s. And he was photo-documenting the lives of railroad tramps —  a culture and lifestyle that was fast disappearing, even then. His photographs are haunting and harsh and starkly real in unflinching black and white. They tell stories of deprivation and pride; stories of living on edges and in shadows; of the addiction to it all, the blatant freedom and mindset of it; the habitual moving and leaving and never arriving, never staying. The work is brilliant. The photographs are utterly compelling. But what captures my mind and imagination the most are the words he

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Be Evolving | Aiken Bella Magazine

Be Evolving

“We keep thinking that the human is evolving. No, the human has evolved to its extent. What’s happening now is the organization of humans: just like cells organize to form people, people are organizing to form humanity.” Bruce Lipton We are evolving. Businesses have initiated changes and innovations over the last few months, and ours have led to the rebuilding of Bella’s foundation. Our mission is to facilitate a positive community lifestyle by creatively informing, inspiring, and entertaining. Our vision is to remain relevant and accessible through time, technology, and community changes. Within the pages of this month’s issue you will finally see the first glimpse of our new Palmetto

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