December 2020 Issue

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Monthly Articles

Just As I Am | Palmetto Bella

Just As I Am

“What am I here for and what’s my purpose?” It’s a question we have all asked ourselves. We feel like we have an idea of our direction until, suddenly, a detour, a distraction, a new path grabs our attention. As a musician and songwriter, I know this cycle all too well. An original song might be in the works and a vibe going until all of a sudden a new chord or a new word piques my interest and changes everything. I like to diversify my music; however, I have learned one of the best ways for musicians to stay on a solid yet expanding track is by knowing their

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5 Reasons to Use Hemp Oil Supplements for Wellness | Palmetto Bella

5 Reasons to Use Hemp Oil Supplements for Wellness

Every day, more people are using hemp oil supplements to promote wellness of the mind and body, and it’s easy to see why. The natural phytocannabinoids found in them boost the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is key to maintaining health and wellness. Below are just a few reasons celebrities and professional athletes advocate for this plant-based product, and you should consider including them in your daily routine as well. 1. Relaxation and Focus Everyone has a list of daily responsibilities that may feel overwhelming and add strain to the body, even if you don’t notice it. Many individuals rely on hemp oil supplements as a way to relax without providing

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HOW TO Celebrate the Holidays WITH SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS | Palmetto Bella


In 2008 I finally figured out that the health problems I had been experiencing for over a year were due to food allergies and sensitivities. There were a number of foods that caused my symptoms, the primary ones being gluten grains (wheat, rye, barley), corn, soy, and milk. I began to feel much better during the summer after I eliminated these foods. During the fall I began thinking about the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday meals that would be coming up. I could not eat the traditional turkey dressing, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, or my mom’s pecan pie. Even the canned cranberry sauce was off-limits for me because it

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PHOTO of the MONTH: MARGARET WARREN | Palmetto Bella


And why, you may ask, is this man consigned to drinking his coffee under the breakfast table? He is a college professor, faithful husband, Navy officer, survivor of the sinking of the Block Island during World War II, family man, father of 3, and gentleman farmer. And the latter is how he ended up in the Warren substitute for a doghouse. You see, the Warrens at that time had a barn and a pony but no fenced paddock. Early every morning, my father would lead the pony out of the barn, up the driveway, past the house, and out to the front lawn. There he would tether the pony for

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Creativity and Business: Candace Cotterman Thibeault | Palmetto Bella

Creativity and Business: Candace Cotterman Thibeault

Artist Spotlight: Candace Cotterman Thibeault Balance between creativity and business is a rare quality in an artist, but Candace Cotterman Thibeault makes it appear natural and fun — just like her paintings. Intrigued by art since childhood, Thibeault’s talent was recognized by teachers and peers throughout her formative years in Gilbert, South Carolina. After completing high school, she left the small town to attend Capital University in Ohio, where she obtained a Fine Arts Degree plus degrees in Public Relations and Art Therapy. After college, she moved to Boston, Massachusetts, and purchased an art gallery and frame shop. Thibeault became a small business owner and operator while simultaneously pursuing a

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Be Present

How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these. – George Washington Carver The Celebration Issue! To tell you the truth, the final issue of 2020 is quite the celebration here at Bella. We made it through the year with innovation, collaboration, expansion, and a positive outlook on the horizon. We were blessed with the continuing support of advertisers and contributors who not only kept our Bella in print but allowed us to spread our mission wider and

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They Say Necessity is the Mother of Invention | Palmetto Bella

They Say Necessity is the Mother of Invention

“Our need will be the real creator.” Plato’s Republic, c. 375 BC “The true creator is necessity, who is the mother of our invention.” Jowett’s loose translation, 1894 “I love knives and almost always carry one with me,” he says.  He has spent countless hours sharpening his knives but could never achieve the “perfect” edge or replicate the factory edge.  But necessity is the mother of invention, they say. “I came up with the idea of The Sharpener’s Edge when one day a picture popped into my head and I drew it on a piece of paper.  Then I fabricated it out of metal in my garage. It worked and

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To Keep Christmas Well | Palmetto Bella

To Keep Christmas Well

“…and it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well …” It is among the closing lines from Charles Dickens’ classic story, “A Christmas Carol.” It may be one of the best remembered and most cherished sentences in the book. “To keep Christmas well,” I suspect, implies different things to each of us. But in the language of the day when this book was written, it meant to observe, or to honor, or to celebrate something. To actively remember. Perhaps in this year of rather lopsided “celebrations” — with their often double-edged experiences and wobbly sense of imbalance — I have found myself searching for

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100 Christmases | Palmetto Bella

100 Christmases

I walked into the old farmhouse that housed four generations of the Jenkins family. Suddenly memories of Christmas Eve flooded my mind. I remembered so many details of that special night that made me laugh and shed a tear, but mostly, my heart swelled with gratitude. Uncle Bill was standing in the doorway with his fancy video camera with enough lights to illuminate a football stadium. So what I did I get for Christmas that year? Retina damage… I remembered my grandfather — we called Gumpa. He sat in his old burgundy chair with the wooden arms. It was his corner, almost a sacred place. He had a bird’s eye

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