December 2020 Issue

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Monthly Articles

Healing Water for My Soul | Palmetto Bella

Healing Water for My Soul

My love for healing water is the whole point for so many of the stories I tell and that I’ve told on the pages of Bella Magazine this year. The drops of healing water in my life are the moments of loving connection with others where I get the opportunity to share life with them, and they with me, with no strings attached. Some of these encounters this year have been a brief passing moment as I exchanged glances and a smile with someone, and other encounters have been for long chapters of my life that continue. There are so many times in this chaotic year when I have felt

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‘Tis the Season to Prepare for Your New Year’s Job Hunt | Palmetto Bella

‘Tis the Season to Prepare for Your New Year’s Job Hunt

The holidays are a season of hope, but they should also be a season of preparation if you are thinking of changing jobs in the new year. According to, January is the busiest month for job searches, although we typically see hirings begin to ramp up in February. We have found that when you apply for a job — as in, how soon you apply after the job is posted — can decide whether you get selected for an interview. That means you cannot wait until a job is posted to refine your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile. We call these your personal brand, and we recommend you

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Be Present

How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these. – George Washington Carver The Celebration Issue! To tell you the truth, the final issue of 2020 is quite the celebration here at Bella. We made it through the year with innovation, collaboration, expansion, and a positive outlook on the horizon. We were blessed with the continuing support of advertisers and contributors who not only kept our Bella in print but allowed us to spread our mission wider and

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A Thrifty Christmas Celebration | Palmetto Bella

A Thrifty Christmas Celebration

Christmas in Ireland is a massive celebration over the entire month of December. Normally we would be celebrating Friendsmas, a great huge gathering of my husband’s mates from Blackrock College and their spouses in a nice large restaurant spilling over with people. There is also the grand adventure of The 12 Pubs of Christmas, where friends and family take on a pub crawl that is not for the faint of heart, as revelers must complete a set of challenges for each pub. Anyone sick of his family on Christmas Eve can wander down to his local watering hole, always bursting to the door with people. For television entertainment, there is

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Rocking Around the (Metal? Holly?) Christmas Tree | Cabinet of Curiosities | Palmetto Bella

Rocking Around the (Metal? Holly?) Christmas Tree | Cabinet of Curiosities

Have you ever watched A Charlie Brown Christmas television special and wondered about the metal Christmas tree lot that Charlie Brown visits? Did you know that cutting down a holly tree almost became illegal in our area? Let’s explore this curious affinity for metal Christmas trees and an early effort to save the holly tree in the latest episode of the Cabinet of Curiosities! The History of Christmas Trees When imagining our ancestors and how they may have spent Christmases a few hundred years in the past, many of us picture a happy family around a large, decorated tree, with a blazing fire in the hearth and children playing at

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Gearing Up Your Health in the New Year | Palmetto Bella

Gearing Up Your Health in the New Year

2020 isn’t going to win any awards for the difficult and unpredictable year it’s been, with its controversial presidential election, pandemic, economic hardships, racial tensions, and widespread fear and uncertainty about health and quality of life going forward. Thousands have succumbed to a newfound virus called SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) that continues to elude medical doctors and scientists. Many of us found out that we aren’t as healthy as we thought and that we should have been taking better care of ourselves. Looking to the new year, what can we do to help our bodies become stronger and perhaps more resistant to the many pathogens out there? Perhaps

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9 Financial Tips from a Wall Street Enthusiast | Palmetto Bella

9 Financial Tips from a Wall Street Enthusiast

1. “Pay taxes on the seed, not the harvest.” When you invest in Roth IRAs and 401(k)s, you pay taxes on the money you contribute. Because you already paid the tax, no tax is collected when the money is taken back out. 2. Convert IRAs into Roth IRAs. Make after-tax contributions now, and you will enjoy tax-free withdrawals during retirement. 3. Convert 401(k)s into Roth 401(k)s. Make after-tax contributions now, and enjoy tax-free withdrawals during retirement. As an added bonus, companies often match some or all of the money you invest. 4. Utilize 1031 exchanges on Real Estate. There is a 6 month window to prevent payments on capital gains

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Just As I Am | Palmetto Bella

Just As I Am

“What am I here for and what’s my purpose?” It’s a question we have all asked ourselves. We feel like we have an idea of our direction until, suddenly, a detour, a distraction, a new path grabs our attention. As a musician and songwriter, I know this cycle all too well. An original song might be in the works and a vibe going until all of a sudden a new chord or a new word piques my interest and changes everything. I like to diversify my music; however, I have learned one of the best ways for musicians to stay on a solid yet expanding track is by knowing their

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The Season of Change is Here! | Palmetto Bella

The Season of Change is Here!

Peeling off the layers and becoming who you truly are is hard work — it never comes easy. I know a lot of people that put on different faces depending on who is around them. Of course there is a business face when you are in a professional environment, a playful face when you are at home or out in nature, but that is not what I am referring to. I am talking about becoming your true authentic self. The you that has been pushed down due to life’s trauma, people’s negative opinion of you, hurts and pain — the things you think you can hide and never face, and

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