August 2020 Issue

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Monthly Articles

July Cabinet of Curiosities | Can You Can? | Aiken Bella Magazine

Cabinet of Curiosities | Back to the Historical Museum

As you all know, we are now in the midst of a tumultuous time in our history, and it has taken our “normal” and tossed it out the window. Because we are living during a time when history is literally being made, I would love to take a moment to speak to you as a storyteller and historian. It is during this time of unprecedented uncertainty that I would like to encourage you to keep a journal, to have long-awaited conversations, to write those letters you’ve been putting off for too long. Do you have a high school best friend you haven’t spoken to in decades? It’s time to give

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Celebrating 70 years | Beyond the Barricade | SRS Ties That Shaped Our Community | Aiken Bella Magazine

Beyond the Barricade | SRS ties that shaped our community | Part 8

Over 40 million dollars … thousands upon thousands of service hours … lives touched … countless lives. This is the story of a vital community partnership. This is the story of the men and women of the Savannah River Site (SRS), who have clearly demonstrated their care for those in need in Aiken County over the last 68 years. Originally known as the Aiken Community Chest, the United Way of Aiken County recognizes its primary founder as the late Senator Strom Thurmond. He approached the SRS leadership in 1952 and they were happy to rally employees to donate over $50,000. Each year, the annual donation has grown, and today over

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Balance is Key | Aiken Bella Magazine

Balance is Key

When riding horses, balance is key. If a rider doesn’t have balance, it affects feel, stability, and control while in the saddle. An imbalance of the bit, reins, and weight in the saddle can all have an impact on how a horse moves and reacts, even if not noticeable to the eye. The same can be said for equine nutrition. An imbalance in feed, supplements, hay, or water can start to cause internal changes that affect ability to perform as well as overall equine health. Balance is key to a successful nutritional program for your horse. Balanced nutrition for horses seems relatively simple, and it should be, as feed companies

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The August Bella Book Club Review | The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo | Aiken Bella Magazine

The August Bella Book Club Review | The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid After all these years posh Hollywood star Evelyn Hugo is ready to tell her life story. She retreated from the spotlight in the 1980s, after years of fame, but remained a legacy. With amazing grace and beauty, she was an enigma that left the public wanting to know more about her life and, of course, the seven men she married along the way. Now, at the age of 79, she is willing to grant an interview with a large magazine on one condition — the article must be written by Monique Grant. When she chooses Monique Grant, an aspiring journalist,

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Retirement Has Changed | It Isn’t What It Used To Be! | Aiken Bella Magazine

Retirement Has Changed | It Isn’t What It Used To Be!

Most of our parents started working around age 20 and retired when they were 65. Because life expectancy was shorter, the average retirement typically lasted about 10 years. That means people often had about 45 years to prepare for 10 years of retirement. With medical advancements and healthier lifestyles, people are living longer. This means you may enjoy 20 or 30 years or more in retirement. Back then, retirees counted on Social Security and company pensions. As a result, individuals didn’t need as much in personal savings. Today, Social Security can’t cover most retirees’ primary expenses, and Social Security faces an uncertain future. Fewer companies offer pension plans; rather they

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Hatching Stones | Aiken Bella Magazine

Hatching Stones

Most of us have had those situations in life, I suspect, when we have taken a stand, made a “hasty nest” and clung to it, regardless of its rightness or wrongness or advisability, or even its danger to us or its potential harm to others. The soft gray-brown little dove was watching us. But she wasn’t moving. Quincy the dog and I stood at a respectful distance from the sweet little bird as she rested, perhaps nesting, on the ground. It was an ill-chosen place for a nest, I thought — on the corner of a driveway, only slightly under a protective bush, deeply shaded, but terribly open, vulnerable. I

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The New Normal | Aiken Bella Magazine

The New Normal

It’s August now. Which means back to — back to school, back to work, and back to life. Well, kind of. We are going back, but to what exactly? We all have a “new normal” we are going back to. It is so interesting to see everyone, including myself, change to these new routines. We all have a new normal, essentially, and now we are all adjusting to all the changes. To be honest, I am still a little sad about the new normal that we have. I miss being able to hug my friends and go inside restaurants without a mask. Though it is very hard not to be

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Be Open | Aiken Bella Magazine

Be Open

“If we open our eyes, our minds and our hearts, we will find that this world is a magical place.” ChÕgyam Trungpa The August issue of Bella magazine is the second annual “Back to…” issue. We first published the Back to Bella issue in 2019 with thoughts of back to school, back to business, back to life — a return from the summer. This year everything is different. Yes, there is a back to, a return to these mile markers; however, back to normal is not on the horizon. We have a new normal that we will be returning to. Schools are finalizing their schedules. Some students will be returning

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