April 2020 Issue

Monthly Articles

Little Athletes Need Proper Hydration & Nutrition In Order To Perform Optimally | Aiken Bella Magazine

Little Athletes Need Proper Hydration & Nutrition In Order To Perform Optimally

How are you hydrating and feeding your little (or not so little) athlete? Eating a healthy diet ensures that your athlete is getting all the nutrients his or her body needs to produce energy and create new muscle tissue, enzymes, and other cellular structures involved in energy metabolism. Proper nutrition can also help repair damage from training as well as everyday wear and tear, and it keeps the body’s muscles, bones, joints, tendons, and organs functioning optimally. You are taking your child to his or her sporting event. What have you provided for hydration and nutrition during and after the event? Sadly, Americans spend hundreds of millions of dollars on

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Cosmic Bake Shop | Aiken Bella Magazine

Cosmic Bake Shop

“Relationships! We all got ‘em, we all want ‘em. What do we do with ‘em?” Jimmy Buffett’s catchy tune ‘Fruitcakes’ brings some truth about relationships and pokes fun at us as human beings on this planet. When the barometric pressure drops with my beau, I often take to the internet to explore relationship Band-Aids or tidbits to promote harmony. Like a good fudge brownie recipe, I thought I’d share from my recipe box to help you turn up the flame when cooking together for a stronger relationship. (Feel free to clip and save — more ingredients are listed below. Know yourself. To create a healthy, lasting relationship, two people often

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Stranger Games | The Rise of eSports | Aiken Bella Magazine

Stranger Games | The Rise of eSports

When you think of sports, you might not think of the booming industry that is eSports. When you hear about games like Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), thoughts of teenage boys in their mother’s basement may come to mind, but these games have come a long way in the past 20+ years. D&D in particular has recently regained the popular culture spotlight through the wildly popular Netflix series Stranger Things. In the 1990s, before this most recent pop culture phenomenon, a grad student working toward his PhD in mathematics wanted to develop a game about programming robots. The company he pitched it to thought it would be too expensive, so he

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Humility In The Workplace Leads To Success! | Aiken Bella Magazine

Humility In The Workplace Leads To Success!

Humility isn’t about being passive and weak. It’s about showing respect and recognizing truth in all situations, including in the workplace. But among these many important attributes, the value of humility seems to be consistently overlooked. Part of this is due to common misconceptions about what humility is and what it means to be humble. In reality, however, humility is one attribute that no leader should do without. Part of the reason humility tends to be overlooked in the workplace is because it is frequently misconstrued as a “weak” attribute. We have been led to believe that people who are humble are easily bulldozed by others and are not willing

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Stories from Leavelle McCampbell Middle School Students | Aiken Bella Magazine

Stories from Leavelle McCampbell Middle School Students

Journalism in the Classroom Football By Christopher Stephenson Hi, my name is Christopher Stephenson. Today I’m going to be talking about my favorite sport, football. First, let’s talk about why it’s my favorite sport. One reason I like football is because it teaches teamwork, it toughens you up, and it also teaches you how to be responsible. Now you might be asking, how is that possible? Well you must show up to practice on time every day, you must keep your side of the field protected from the defense, and there are so many more reasons that football teaches you responsibility. Football shows all the team members how to work

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Tips for Exercising For A Lifetime of Health | Aiken Bella Magazine

Tips for Exercising For A Lifetime of Health

My husband, Doug, is a natural athlete. Doug was successful in both baseball and football when he was in middle and high school. As a young adult, in his late teens and twenties, he became an amateur boxer. Later on he took up karate and tennis. He also became a scuba diver for the Augusta Rescue Dive Team. But his favorite sport is golf. Doug continues to play on several amateur golf leagues. I, on the other hand, am a lifetime klutz. In elementary school I was the last one picked for teams when we played kickball. When I was 10, I swam on the local summer swim team. The

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Earth Day | Aiken Bella Magazine

Earth Day

A “Big Bang” may have started it all And into their respective places did everything fall. A beautiful world of earth and sea and sky Ours not to reason how, when, or why. This production was directed by a divine hand As peace settled over the entire land. He hung the moon and the stars in place And made the sun to shine, the world to grace. Precious gifts for the entire human race. Out of the chaos came a certain order Mountains and rivers determined the borders. A world clean, green, pristine and pure Ensuring that this idyllic scene would long endure. Verdant valleys, mountains, hills, and trees sprouting

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Change Your Mindset, Change Your Game | Aiken Bella Magazine

Change Your Mindset, Change Your Game

OK, I admit it. My golf game can best be described as “shoot and chuckle.” And, my tennis game … well, I won’t go there! But what I have learned from my times on the fairway or on the tennis court is this — your “inner” game in sports and life affects your “outer” experience. Sports trainer/coach Timothy Gallwey (author of best sellers The Inner Game of Tennis and The Inner Game of Golf) suggests: Neither mastery nor satisfaction can be found in the playing of any game without giving some attention to the relatively neglected skills of the inner game. This is the game that takes place in the

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PEDALIN’ TO HEAVEN | Aiken Bella Magazine


Excerpt from Rhinestones on my Flip-Flops I was privileged to sing at Rev. Lowell Clark’s memorial celebration. I have always loved his family and especially his wonderful wife, “Miss Ada.” She taught both of my children in pre-school and is definitely a WOW. The minister opened the service by saying, “Lowell preached his own funeral … by the way he lived his life.” The quaint country church showcased Mr. Lowell’s life in a visual tribute that included his iconic bicycle decorated with flowers, a worn Bible, and a Clemson University flag. Mr. Lowell loved to ride his bike and share his faith. What a way to cruise through life. Yes,

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