Gifts that Keep on Giving

Stress. Time-consuming shopping. Expenses. Appreciation or lack thereof. Confusion.

Do you associate any of these thoughts with Christmas?

Most people do, and that is really sad when you consider why we celebrate this holiday.

Not a day goes by that I do not think about financial matters. That is what I do for a living and I am passionate about what I do along with the members of our firm. We care about our clients, our families, friends, and community.

Serving on four different foundation boards, I accepted the responsibility to support the mission of those foundations. As President of the Aiken Symphony Orchestra, I believe that the organization provides value to the Aiken community. We will celebrate the Christmas season with beautiful performances of The Messiah and Christmas holiday music.

My point is that we all have people and causes we believe in and give our time to.

Don’t we want to celebrate this season of the year by sharing gifts, time, and resources while also having the ability to enjoy it?

Well, follow the money. We have heard that statement many times when it comes to power
and politics.

If we are honest with ourselves, this also relates to the issues that I mentioned above.

When we spend money that we don’t have on people who don’t appreciate it and feel that we must do so out of obligation, there is no joy or satisfaction from these actions.

I can be guilty of oversimplifying matters at times, but I truly believe we need to get back to the root of what brings joy and value to life. It starts and ends with love. For God so loved the world…

Financial planning should start with the basis of loving your family. Hopefully, that love extends to friends and others who need that miracle-working ingredient. When you love others, you do not want them to suffer because of your actions, rather you hope that they will receive value from them.

Begin with protecting your family against risk that can undermine your finances. Creating a plan that addresses your current concerns and future objectives is good medicine for relieving stress and providing value to your own well-being.

Have you noticed that the people who often make others happy are happy with themselves? Have you also noticed that the people who support the financial needs of their church and charities do so because they are not struggling to provide for their own needs?

Give some serious thought to looking within and taking action to build upon the values that create joy in your life. Use the support of professionals and build your team of support in making your world a better place.

Picture of Thomas Herlong

Thomas Herlong

Thomas H Herlong, CLU, ChFC, CLTC: General Partner, Herlong & Doran Financial Group
Picture of Thomas Herlong

Thomas Herlong

Thomas H Herlong, CLU, ChFC, CLTC: General Partner, Herlong & Doran Financial Group

In the know

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