Generosity + Impact

The Aiken Characteristic for the month of December is generosity. Generosity is the quality of giving more than what is strictly necessary or expected. Why is being generous important? To whom much is given, much is required. When we are blessed, it is our duty to bless others.

Generosity is the opposite of selfishness. Generosity is love in action. It is kind. It is forgiving. It holds no record of wrong. It is nonjudgmental and delights in honesty. Universal law says what you put out is what you get back; at the same time, generosity is giving with no expectation of return.

Generosity in Action

When I tried to think of a person I know who displays generosity on a regular basis, Susan Fenske, President and CEO of EGS, Inc. (Empowered Global Solutions) came to mind. For over ten years I’ve witnessed Susan showing generosity. Her selfless actions have impacted, empowered, and served countless individuals, families, and organizations. She is kind, loving, and ambitious. She searches for and recognizes the light and the good in others and understands the potential of people and teams when they are supported and given opportunities to use and enhance their talents and skills.

I would like to thank Susan Fenske personally for her vision, love, leadership, and generosity, and for her investment in me, in the City of Aiken, and in many others around the world.

A Safer World Through Generosity

I would also like to recognize a company that displays generosity on a world class level. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (SRNS) impacts not only the City of Aiken, but the entire Central Savannah River Area (CSRA), the United States of America, and the world at large. SRNS manages and operates critical and significant projects for the Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), projects that ultimately make the world a safer place. SRNS has donated millions of dollars over the past 10 years to support countless people, organizations, and businesses in Aiken and the CSRA. Their true impact is so grand, extensive, and impressive that I don’t think the actual value could really be measured.

SRNS has also provided me with an opportunity to learn and progress, and I will forever be thankful to the people, organizations, and businesses I was blessed to engage with while working for SRNS. Thank you to all who have supported SRNS in their quest to make the world a safer place; thank you to all who have supported any of the work at the Savannah River Site (SRS); and thank you, SRNS, for showing us what generosity to the community looks like.

Practice Generosity Every Day

If we could all have the courage to humble ourselves, and be generous to others, not only in this holiday season but every day of the year, what impact and opportunities could we create? Let us use this holiday season to show generosity in new ways. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Picture of Byron Bush

Byron Bush

Byron Bush is the Director of Business Development for Empowered Global Solutions, Inc., a certified Woman Owned Small Business specializing in engineering, IT, environmental, construction, supply chain, safety, finance, and administrative staffing & recruiting. He is also the President & CEO of Bright & Bold Entertainment and B&B Network, LLC – a network of people and businesses who help each other develop business, wealth, and leadership. Byron serves on the Board for the USCA Inclusion Advisory Board, Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness (CNTA), Aiken Center for the Arts, Treasurer for Education Matters, and a member of Aiken Young Professionals and the Royal Aikenites. He graduated from South Carolina State University with a Degree in Accounting, played on the SCSU Football and Golf teams, and joined the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Byron was born in Ellicot City, Maryland, raised in Aiken, SC, and he works to make every day a great day.
Picture of Byron Bush

Byron Bush

Byron Bush is the Director of Business Development for Empowered Global Solutions, Inc., a certified Woman Owned Small Business specializing in engineering, IT, environmental, construction, supply chain, safety, finance, and administrative staffing & recruiting. He is also the President & CEO of Bright & Bold Entertainment and B&B Network, LLC – a network of people and businesses who help each other develop business, wealth, and leadership. Byron serves on the Board for the USCA Inclusion Advisory Board, Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness (CNTA), Aiken Center for the Arts, Treasurer for Education Matters, and a member of Aiken Young Professionals and the Royal Aikenites. He graduated from South Carolina State University with a Degree in Accounting, played on the SCSU Football and Golf teams, and joined the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Byron was born in Ellicot City, Maryland, raised in Aiken, SC, and he works to make every day a great day.

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