“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.”
Edith Sitwell
Home: A four-letter word, with multiple meanings, like the word Love. Home and Love have always been synonymous for me. I love the ones that I invite into my home and I am at home with the ones I love. This holiday season I have truly found myself “At Home” in so many ways.
I am a new owner of a home in downtown Aiken. I have had the pleasure of living in Aiken for 18 years this December. I have never felt more at home than I do now in my new house. As a licensed architect, I have a trained eye that constantly wanders over the lines of a building inside and out. I have never really felt at home in any of the houses I have lived during my lifetime. They were always works in progress. If I added a room here, a porch there, painted this room gray, painted this ceiling red, (I don’t recommend painting any ceiling red) or knocked down that load-bearing wall. I can say without a doubt, I would not change a thing about my new home. I love every line, quirk and squeak of the wood floors. I drive up and think, Yes! This is my house! It has six fireplaces to cuddle up in front of, five bedrooms, four bathrooms, 3 rocking chairs, two claw-foot bathtubs, and a front porch. With this house, for me “At Home” means peace.
Several new businesses I have started are located in the studio above White Rose Eclectics. This magical space is where we produce Bella and so many other creative endeavors. One of which is, Studio on Laurens, a fully stocked photographer, videographer, and podcaster’s studio. We will celebrate its grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony December 6, 2019 at 4:30pm. Please come and join the Bella Team and myself as we celebrate this fantastic boon available to the community of Aiken and those that venture here. You might see a sugar plum fairy and even Santa himself!
I first saw this space one year ago when Martha Wise showed me where she was relocating her business. We walked upstairs and I fell in Love. Come see the 6’ x 18’ clerestory that is located in the middle of the space. A clerestory is: “a portion of an interior rising above adjacent rooftops and having windows admitting daylight to the interior.” – Dictonary.com. I designed three homes for my father before he died in 2013. The last home I designed had a large clerestory, above the island in the kitchen, like the one in my studio. It was beautiful and something I was very proud of. When I walked in with Martha, I felt as if my dad was there with me. I tell people that visit me that there is a two-mile radius around the studio that magical things happen within. Connections, Collaborations, Creativity, Friendships, Partnerships, Brainstorming, Dreaming, Love and Home. Our featured Artist of the Month for December is Betsy Wilson Mahoney. She painted the door off the small alley that I enter The Studio every day. It says, “I love you so much.” I walk into my business and it tells me how much it loves me every day. With this Studio, for me “At Home” means Love.
The December issue is The Story Teller issue. Your mind will delight in visions of Santa Claude, beautiful art from Betsy Wilson-Mahoney, that not only graces our shops downtown, but also our business, our homes and the small alley and doorway that enters The Studio.
There are many stories of amazing things happening within our community like the First Tee of Aiken, Blessing Boxes, and the Children’s’ Place. Your heart strings will be pulled, you will laugh, and you might even cry. One thing for sure is that you will connect. Through the last few months, I have, for the first time in my life, found my purpose. My purpose is to connect. Why? Because I believe we are better together! I finally feel at home in my own skin, now that I know my purpose. I look towards 2020 with clear vision of connecting my community and beyond. With connection, for me “At home” means purpose. This gets me up and excited every morning, like a little girl waiting to see what Santa left her under the tree. I wish all of you a magical holiday season! May you Connect, may you Love, and may you feel At Home wherever you may be.
Thank you, Aiken!
We are overjoyed to share that Bella Magazine has been selected for the 2019 Best of Aiken Awards in the category of Publisher.
We hope to continue to exceed your expectations!