Thanksgiving All Year Long

This year instead of simply celebrating a Day of Thanksgiving, consider living a life of thanksgiving.

Research shows that those who live a thankful life every day enjoy powerful and lasting benefits to their emotional, physical, and cognitive health. In fact, people who practice gratitude daily are shown to have better relationships, less stress, and healthier brains and bodies.

The Science of Gratitude

When gratitude is expressed or received, neurotransmitters called serotonin and dopamine are released in the brain. These mood enhancing chemicals immediately produce feelings of happiness. When gratitude occurs daily, these positive neural pathways are strengthened, resulting not only in an increase in mood but also in a decrease in stress. Stress, as you know, has widespread negative effects on the brain and body.

Personal Benefits of Gratitude

+ Reduced anxiety and fear

+ Increased happiness

+ Better sleep

+ Improved interpersonal relationships

+ Less depression

+ Increased longevity

+ Improved productivity and decision making

The Art of Practicing Gratitude

Some people are born with a personality that tends to be grateful naturally. For others, whether due to heredity or circumstance, living a grateful life is going to mean working towards “rewiring”thought processes to include a grateful attitude. For each of us, though, we must practice gratitude, because just like diet and exercise, it takes some effort to stay on track. Thankfully (pun intended) this is not difficult.

+ Smile

+ Pray

+ Be in awe of nature

+ Volunteer

+ Call friends and family frequently

+ Let someone in front of you in line

+ Live in the present

+ Pay it forward

+ Write love notes or letters

+ Resist leaving negative comments on social media

+ Compliment yourself daily

+ Read an inspirational quote or scripture every day

+ Focus on small goals and details

+ Give a compliment to a stranger

+ Forgive others and let go of the past

+ Learn something new

+ Surround yourself with simple things that make you smile

+ Don’t get caught up in gossip

+ Tell someone he or she is important to you

+ Celebrate occasions as if they are the last ones you will celebrate

+ Consistently document your gratitude

According to the John Templeton Foundation,

+ Grateful people give 20% more to charity

+ For every 10 years of life, gratitude increases by 5%

+ Grateful people have a stronger bond with the community

+ Grateful people have 10% fewer illnesses

+ Grateful people have 12% lower blood pressure

+ Happy people’s income is about 7% higher

+ Happy youth get into 13% fewer fights

+ Happy youth are 20% more likely to make an “A”

+ Overall positive emotions can add up to 7 years to your life

In her book Living in Gratitude: A Journey That Will Change Your Life, Angeles Arrien concludes “… when people in great numbers choose to practice, integrate, and embody gratitude, the cumulative force that is generated can help create the kind of world we all hope for and desire for ourselves and for future generations.” So decide today to celebrate thanksgiving every day. Your world, and the world around you, will be a happier, healthier place to live.

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”

~ Proverb

Karen Poteat

“Living a life of gratitude turns what we have into enough.”

~ Anonymous

Picture of Karen Poteat

Karen Poteat

Karen Poteat – LPN, Gerontology & Dementia Specialist Guest columnist, Karen Poteat is a licensed nurse with over 25 years’ experience as a gerontology and dementia specialist. She owns and operates 2 specialized senior programs, Aiken Active Seniors and Club Thrive Activity Center, where she proactively helps people living with dementia and their families be their very best. She created Confetti for Your Brain, which can also be found on Facebook, to share insights, tips, and the latest best practices to help you keep your brain happy so you can age well. Karen can be contacted at 803-226-0355 or at [email protected]. For more information about her local programs for seniors, please visit the centers at 944 Dougherty Road or learn more on the web at and
Picture of Karen Poteat

Karen Poteat

Karen Poteat – LPN, Gerontology & Dementia Specialist Guest columnist, Karen Poteat is a licensed nurse with over 25 years’ experience as a gerontology and dementia specialist. She owns and operates 2 specialized senior programs, Aiken Active Seniors and Club Thrive Activity Center, where she proactively helps people living with dementia and their families be their very best. She created Confetti for Your Brain, which can also be found on Facebook, to share insights, tips, and the latest best practices to help you keep your brain happy so you can age well. Karen can be contacted at 803-226-0355 or at [email protected]. For more information about her local programs for seniors, please visit the centers at 944 Dougherty Road or learn more on the web at and

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