Be Grateful

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Jane Howard

Our tribe, it’s our family. Our Bella Family. Each month new members are added to an ever-growing network of friends. Each new member adds richness to our story and in-turn a level of gratitude we could never have foreseen. New contributors. New stories. New connections. We like to think of each contributor to Bella as a precious thread woven into the fabric of Aiken.

In every issue of Bella we are privileged to tell the stories of those who impact our community. This month we had the pleasure of telling the story of Dexter Price, our November Mr. Bella. After his photo shoot and interview he told us, “This is so cool! Bella is doing great things … how can I be part of it?” Welcome to the family Dex! We are so grateful to be part of your life too. Be sure to check out his story… in the center spread!

It just so happens Ketan Patel the current owner of Rose Hill was influential in getting Dexter Price on his feet, both financially and as a friend. Rose Hill housed the original arts program for USCA. Where our October featured artist Robert Campbell took art classes and his story introduced us to Patel. To top it all off, Bella writer Matthew Wynn wrote the story about Robert in October, as well as the stories about Dexter and Patel and Rose Hill this November. The inter connections — how we are all woven together — are fascinating. You can certainly find most of us in the main house at Rose Hill Wednesday nights for music and friendship. Come join our tribe and family.

The November Theme

November is our Family Traditions issue. When I think about traditions that have held the longest over the years, there is one that stands out: Brunch! My grandparents always said if you get up and get dressed and go to church, you should be taken out for lunch afterwards. This held true as long as I remember. As a child and teenager, my parents took us to church and then out to a nice brunch. When I became a parent, my grandmother reminded me how important it was to take my girls to church and to lunch afterwards. Since I have joined Friendship Baptist Church in August, I have been “Brunchin’” almost every weekend! It is a truly a great time to fellowship after church with the ones you love, your tribe, your friends, your family.

It seems that Brunch has really caught on in Aiken in the last year and there are some wonderful places to Brunch. (See Bella Buzz for some of our favorites.) Rose Hill was the scene of a very special brunch took place in August between Bella’s ad director, Kyla Maull, my best friend Eva Jackson, and contributing editor Robin Warren who has been newly appointed godmother of my four daughters. Bella Brunch Bunch. I had no idea the adventure we were starting that day. I am very grateful to you ladies for all that you do for Aiken, Bella, my girls and me.

November is for Gratitude

Want to learn more on Gratitude, this month’s character trait? Be sure to read Byron Bush’s article on Influence. (Byron just happens to be Dexter’s best friend.) He asks the right questions to gear your mind and heart to be grateful. Teach it to your kids and grandkids. All four of my daughters have won a character trait award at least once in school. I was so proud of them. Even better, is how proud they were of themselves. And of course the perfect way to show gratitude to someone you appreciate in your life… is to take them out to brunch!

Ladonna Armstrong

Ladonna Armstrong

Picture of Ladonna Armstrong

Ladonna Armstrong

Publisher of Aiken Bella Magazine.
Picture of Ladonna Armstrong

Ladonna Armstrong

Publisher of Aiken Bella Magazine.

In the know

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