Photo of the Month | Burning Piano

On January 15th 2019, the Aiken Composer’s Guild performed at the University Of South Carolina Aiken, Etherredge Center for the Fine and Performing Arts. The concert finished with the burning piano after a processional led by Dr. Hollingsworth on the bagpipes from the main stage at the Etherredge Center, through the campus, to the site of the piano.  As a photographer, I see my job as “to capture scenes and moments that otherwise could not or would not be seen”, such as a piece of fine craftsmanship put to flame.

The piano was absolutely captivating to see, with all of its inner workings exposed.  Only with a camera set to a high shutter speed (allowing minimal light into the camera) could you make out the details of the inside of the piano.  The flaming instrument was not only a once in a lifetime sight, but the flames themselves revealed what otherwise we would never see in a piano.  The cracking wood, alongside the brass strings made for a mosaic of details. These details, both illuminated by a natural and potent light source, make for a unique photo.

Camera Nikon: D610    ||    Lens: Tameron 70-200mm

Photo of the Month | Burning Piano | Aiken Bella Magazine

Michael St. John

Michael St. John is a photographer and illustrator in Aiken South Carolina.He has been published in Livio Orazio Valentini; An Artists’s Spiritual Odyssey, traveled to Italy and France on an academic scholarship for Fine Arts, and works as the Event and Publicity Coordinator of the University of South Carolina Aiken, Etherredge Center for the Fine and Performing Arts.In his spare time, he is an active artist, working in photography and digital illustration. Prints of his work can be found on his website at 

Picture of Michael St. John

Michael St. John

Michael St. John is a photographer and illustrator in Aiken South Carolina.He has been published in Livio Orazio Valentini; An Artists’s Spiritual Odyssey, traveled to Italy and France on an academic scholarship for Fine Arts, and works as the Event and Publicity Coordinator of the University of South Carolina Aiken, Etherredge Center for the Fine and Performing Arts.In his spare time, he is an active artist, working in photography and digital illustration. Prints of his work can be found on his website at
Picture of Michael St. John

Michael St. John

Michael St. John is a photographer and illustrator in Aiken South Carolina.He has been published in Livio Orazio Valentini; An Artists’s Spiritual Odyssey, traveled to Italy and France on an academic scholarship for Fine Arts, and works as the Event and Publicity Coordinator of the University of South Carolina Aiken, Etherredge Center for the Fine and Performing Arts.In his spare time, he is an active artist, working in photography and digital illustration. Prints of his work can be found on his website at

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