Creating Characters | Dracula’s In His Blood: An Up-Close Look at Bram Stoker’s Great-Nephew

Dacre Stoker is the great grand-nephew of Bram Stoker and the international best-selling co-author of Dracula the Un-Dead (Dutton, 2009), the official Stoker family endorsed sequel to Dracula. Dacre is also the co-editor (with Elizabeth Miller) of The Lost Journal of Bram Stoker: The Dublin Years (Robson Press, 2012). His latest novel, Dracul, a prequel to Dracula, released in October 2018 co-authored with JD Barker, has been sold to Putnam in North America, Penguin Random House in the UK, and additional publishers in France, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Brazil, Serbia, Taiwan, Turkey, Vietnam, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Portugal, and Poland with film rights purchased by Paramount Studios.

A native of Montreal, Canada, Dacre taught Physical Education and Sciences for twenty-two years, in both Canada and at Aiken Preparatory School. He has participated in the sport of Modern Pentathlon as an athlete and a coach at the international and Olympic levels for Canada for 12 years. He is also an avid player and coach of the unique game of Court Tennis. In May of 2016, Camden Riviere, who he has been coaching for the past 4 years, won the World Championships of Court Tennis. Dacre currently lives in Aiken, SC, together with his wife Jenne they manage the Bram Stoker Estate.

Dacre has been traveling extensively throughout 2019 to give talks about the mysteries behind the writing of Dracula, written by his famous uncle as well as the research and writing of Dracul with JD Barker.

He has recently returned home to Aiken from a visit to northern Transylvania where he presented a plaque commemorating the location of Bram Stoker’s fictional Castle Dracula to the Administrator of the Calimani National Park. Through a partnership with the Bram Stoker Estate, local businesses and the National Park, a trail will be marked to direct tourists to hike safely up to the location of the fictional Castle Dracula in the Carpathian Mountains.

Dracul was named Publishers Weekly Top 10 Books of the fall in 2018, it was the UK’s # 1 Bestselling Hardcover Novel in Horror and Supernatural in 2018, and was nominated by the Horror Writers Association in the U.S. for a Bram Stoker Award® for Superior Achievement in a Novel.

The paperback edition comes out October 2nd 2019, Dacre will be promoting the release in Ireland, England, and Scotland, and throughout the US. Plans are underway to organize an event in Aiken early in 2020. If you would like a signed hardcover ($27) or paperback ($15) edition of Dracul, please contact Dacre Stoker at:  [email protected]

Dacre also leads tours to Romania, Ireland and England to visit places associated with the writing of Dracula. For more information about these tours please visit

Creating Characters | Dracula’s In His Blood: An Up-Close Look at Bram Stoker’s Great-Nephew | Aiken Bella Magazine

Praise for Dacre Stoker’s Newest Release, Dracul

Creating Characters | Dracula’s In His Blood: An Up-Close Look at Bram Stoker’s Great-Nephew | Aiken Bella Magazine

“Reading Dracul is like watching a classic vampire film. Bram Stoker lives! Dracula lives! HORROR lives on nearly every page. A terrifying read  that gave me hours of fun.”

R.L. Stine
NY Times Bestselling Author of Goosebumps and Fear Street

“Dracul is interesting because it sheds light on the original characters and author. Adding just the right touch of suspense increases the pace and ratchets up the tension, which appeals to the contemporary reader.”


“Dracul reveals not only Dracula’s “true” origin, but Bram Stoker’s as well. More than just a Dracula novel, it’s a great addition to theentire vampire genre.”

SF Reader

Picture of Ladonna Armstrong

Ladonna Armstrong

Publisher of Aiken Bella Magazine.
Picture of Ladonna Armstrong

Ladonna Armstrong

Publisher of Aiken Bella Magazine.

In the know

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