Aiken Community Service Network | Scene Around Town

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Aiken Community Service Network

August 27, 2019

First Presbyterian Church

Picture of Ladonna Armstrong

Ladonna Armstrong

Publisher of Aiken Bella Magazine.
Picture of Ladonna Armstrong

Ladonna Armstrong

Publisher of Aiken Bella Magazine.

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What It’s Like …On The Road Singin’ For Her Supper: Solo Singer/Songwriter Josephine Johnson | Palmetto Bella

What It’s Like …On The Road Singin’ For Her Supper: Solo Singer/Songwriter Josephine Johnson

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Beer, Bella: The Adventure Begins

Nostalgia is a powerful thing. Sights and smells and tastes can literally snap you back to a point in time — memory instant replay, no matter how much you might have suppressed it or thought it had faded away. Sometimes it is faint, like the aroma of peaches as you walk through a peach orchard that remind you of the smell of peach cobbler coming from your grandmother’s oven. Or the flavor of strawberry in a clear beverage unexpectedly reminding you of how delightful strawberry jello was in your childhood. One of the most classic examples, and a perfect visual to the experience, is in the Disney movie Ratatouille, when

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NOLA Cocktails | Lux Libations | Palmetto Bella

NOLA Cocktails | Lux Libations

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Jalapeño and Ham Grits | Palmetto Bella

Jalapeño and Ham Grits

From the Kitchen of… Fuse Aiken: Jalapeño and Ham Grits An Interview and recipe with Chris Najmola Ingredients 1 cup stone-ground yellow grits, Anson Mills preferred 1 cup heavy whipping cream 3 cups water (pro move: use chicken stock instead) 1 jalapeño 3 oz Benton’s Country Ham, sliced thin 1 tbsp salt black pepper to taste Tools: 2 gallon stock pot wooden spoon whisk tasting spoons Gather all your ingredients and tools before you begin. Hold the jalapeño at the stem. Cut the bottom half of the jalapeño off for mild flavor. Cut higher up and closer to the stem for increasing heat. Slice the desired area of jalapeño as

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