A Different Approach

It is an honor to serve as the new president of the Aiken Symphony. While we all want to feel financially secure, money isn’t the only thing that creates wealth in our lives. It is equally important to broaden our exposure to the fine arts, to stir our senses to new heights with music and art.

There is no doubt in my mind that you will leave each symphony performance with additional value and inspiration for having been present. I would venture to say that most of us attend to be inspired and fulfilled with beautiful music and enjoy the performance, and that’s not uncommon.

Please allow me to share a different perspective. Like many of you, I started learning music in elementary school playing in the band; some of you may have taken piano lessons. Do you remember the time, dedication and instruction that it took to reach a point in time when you felt good about your achievement?

When I walk on the stage and welcome you to the performance, I’m thinking about all the musicians on stage who have each devoted thousands of hours to develop their talent to rise to the top and become professional musicians. I am thinking about the dedication and passion it took for Dr. Donald Portnoy to develop his talent and expertise to conduct the symphony with excellence.

Consider the talent of each individual musician and combine that with the extraordinary creation of the composer conducted by Dr. Portnoy so that we can enjoy an extraordinary experience.

My appreciation for being able to enjoy the quality of this performance in Aiken has grown even more knowing the dedication of the board members who volunteer countless hours of time to make this possible, as well as Deedee and Wendy, our staff members who make sure all of the work behind the scenes is accomplished.

And yet, if it were not for your attendance and support , none of this could be enjoyed and appreciated. I hope this different approach to what creates an Aiken Symphony Orchestra performance will add to your appreciation of the beautiful music of the night.


Thomas Herlong

Picture of Thomas Herlong

Thomas Herlong

Thomas H Herlong, CLU, ChFC, CLTC: General Partner, Herlong & Doran Financial Group
Picture of Thomas Herlong

Thomas Herlong

Thomas H Herlong, CLU, ChFC, CLTC: General Partner, Herlong & Doran Financial Group

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