Tending the Creative Fire

With great delight, The Aiken Center for the Arts announces the privilege of hosting Taos, New Mexico artist Jan Haller, who will teach a five-day process painting workshop, “Brushes on Paper: Tending the Creative Fire.” This workshop will begin on Friday, November 8th and continue through Tuesday, November 12th, running from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. “Brushes on Paper” presents an opportunity for anyone who desires to unearth and explore inner creative impulses and learn how to bring these forward in a uniquely personal, engaging and freeing manner.

Jan’s passion for painting is rooted in the creative process and it is this process that she will be sharing. Jan first recognized her longing to paint in the mid 1970s; and in 1978, Jan’s experience with painting was transformed by a free expression workshop at The Painting Experience in San Francisco with Michele Cassou. While Jan had personally recognized her initial impulses to paint from within, this workshop enabled Jan to unhinge this inner core of creativity and feel it remarkably and distinctly her own. Jan is passionate about giving others the tools to unhinge their own inner core of creativity as well.

In her process painting workshop, she addresses harmful misconceptions about lack of talent and self-criticism, and gives us a path towards healing and empowerment through painting. Much of the creative empowerment found in the process of painting also enables us to embrace freedom of self in many aspects of life: “Painting takes us through a mysterious door into new worlds.”

The Aiken Center for the Arts joins Jan in inviting you to put a brush on paper, and partake in this unique experience, where inner inspiration is the beginning of an outward expression of self in relationships, in community, in the world.

The Aiken Center for the Arts

“Brushes on Paper:
Tending the Creative Fire”

A Five-Day Process Painting Workshop

Taught by artist, Jan Haller

November 8 – 12
9:30 am – 4:30 pm

For more information about this workshop, please visit aikencenterforthearts.org or call 803-641-9094.

Picture of Ladonna Armstrong

Ladonna Armstrong

Publisher of Aiken Bella Magazine.
Picture of Ladonna Armstrong

Ladonna Armstrong

Publisher of Aiken Bella Magazine.

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