September 2019 Issue

Monthly Articles

Back to Community: Taking Action to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse

The long-awaited grand jury investigation into clergy sexual abuse in Pennsylvania was recently released and detailed sexual abuse by over 300 priests In Pennsylvania. Like many, I was in shock, but this really hit home for me because I grew up in a Catholic church just outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In fact, I attended Catholic Elementary School. When I first read the details of the report, I experienced a wide range of emotions from anger and disgust at the church for gross negligence and criminal behavior, to sadness for the victims, many of whom are adults now whose lives were shattered by what happened to them; and finally (and honestly) relief

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Back to Health | Aiken Bella Magazine

Back to Health

It’s that time again! Back to school means back to reality, and for most of us that means trying to get back into a more healthy routine. After the lazy days of summer enjoying our family and friends on vacations, eating what we want and when we want; drinking a little more than we should; forgoing exercise since after all, we are on vacation, it’s time to get our health back with a routine that fits our body, mind, and spirit. Our kids or grandkids have gotten all their medical checkups and vaccinations for school. They’re ready for the school year medically. But are we? We all have health goals.

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Thomas Herlong | Aiken Bella Magazine

A Different Approach

It is an honor to serve as the new president of the Aiken Symphony. While we all want to feel financially secure, money isn’t the only thing that creates wealth in our lives. It is equally important to broaden our exposure to the fine arts, to stir our senses to new heights with music and art. There is no doubt in my mind that you will leave each symphony performance with additional value and inspiration for having been present. I would venture to say that most of us attend to be inspired and fulfilled with beautiful music and enjoy the performance, and that’s not uncommon. Please allow me to share a

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Back to History | Daughters of the American Revolution | Promoting Patriotism and Historical Preservation | Aiken Bella Magazine

Back to History | Daughters of the American Revolution | Promoting Patriotism and Historical Preservation

Nearly a million women have joined the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) since its founding in 1890. One of the original purposes of the society was to reunite the country after the Civil War. “Love of country was the purpose; ancestors who fought for freedom was the bond that connected women from North and South,” reads the DAR pamphlet. Today it is a volunteer service organization whose mission is promote patriotism, preserve American history, and secure America’s future through better education for children. Locally, there are four DAR chapters in the Aiken area, and all are hoping to swell their ranks with more members. “Membership in the Daughters of

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How to Eat to Heal from Cancer | Aiken Bella Magazine

How to Eat to Heal from Cancer

Current statistics show that over 38% of Americans will develop cancer during their lifetime. And some research indicates that cancer may reach a 50% rate sometime over the next few decades. The vast majority of people will be touched by cancer in some way, either personally or through close family and friends. Cancer became especially personal for me when my husband was diagnosed with a precancerous condition earlier this year. I had taken an elective course in nutrition for cancer as part of a nutrition degree, but I reviewed this topic again recently when I read the book Radical Remission. The author of this book, Kelly Turner, Ph.D., became interested

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Work Wisdom | Back to Business | Aiken Bella Magazine

Work Wisdom | Back to Business

Try not to feel guilty about the downtime you had over the summer months. You earned it! It was good for you and now you should be refreshed, energized and ready to do big things. Start by getting yourself mentally prepared. No more summer vacation brain. It’s easy to get relaxed and enjoy the summer season and your vacation and hard to get back into full work mode again with emails, deadlines and meetings. However, it can’t be avoided, especially if you want to be your best for the last and important quarter of the year. Go to work with a new set of eyes. Maybe you were frustrated with

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The Breast/Best Pearls | Excerpt from Bury Me with My Pearls, Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas | Aiken Bella Magazine

The Breast/Best Pearls | Excerpt from Bury Me with My Pearls, Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas

Author’s note: October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month so I thought I would share a funny story told to me at one of my speaking engagements. This one is a keeper! Speaking to a group of ladies, I shared a story about my sister who had a bout with breast cancer. I emphasized how a positive attitude can help as we face difficulties. After the meeting ended, an older woman approached me who obviously had a story to share. That happens lots of times to speakers. Many times you just tolerate the tale. Then there are those rare times when the story or joke is unbelievably hilarious. This is one

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Back to Fall: Pumpkins and Their Rich History, Traditions … and Pie! | Aiken Bella Magazine

Back to Fall: Pumpkins and Their Rich History, Traditions … and Pie!

Let’s Give Them Pumpkin to Talk About. Strips of pumpkin lying on the ground gave up their moisture to the sun as American Indians gathered them to weave into mats. Other slices of pumpkin surrounded their open fires in preparation for the next meal. When white colonists took possession of their land, they learned from the American Indian how to use this new food in stews, soups, and desserts. The pumpkin pie was created by white women who cut off the pumpkin top, removed seeds, then filled the hollow pumpkin with milk, spices, and honey and baked it in dying coals. The result was a custard-like dessert where pumpkin was

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Tending the Creative Fire | Aiken Bella Magazine

Tending the Creative Fire

With great delight, The Aiken Center for the Arts announces the privilege of hosting Taos, New Mexico artist Jan Haller, who will teach a five-day process painting workshop, “Brushes on Paper: Tending the Creative Fire.” This workshop will begin on Friday, November 8th and continue through Tuesday, November 12th, running from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. “Brushes on Paper” presents an opportunity for anyone who desires to unearth and explore inner creative impulses and learn how to bring these forward in a uniquely personal, engaging and freeing manner. Jan’s passion for painting is rooted in the creative process and it is this process that she will be sharing. Jan first

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