November 2019 Issue

Monthly Articles

Steeplechase | Scene Around Town | Aiken Bella Magazine

Steeplechase | Scene Around Town

Steeplechase October 26, 2019 Bruce’s Field Photography by Christine McKeel Samantha Turner and Charles Smith Spencer Abbott and Gracie Duffy Vikki Woody and Charlotte Bailey Corey Fisher and Bonnie Mangelly Taylor Braithwaite and Benjamin Latham Tracey Thompson, Susan Payne and Rebecca Stevens Deb Stroupe, Dale Harris and Debby Harris Scott Flesher, Hugh Simmons, Steve Simmons and Jeannie Simmons

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Timely Social Media Tips | Aiken Bella Magazine

Timely Social Media Tips

The influence of social media on our lives has been both good and bad for holiday planning. On the up side, it’s easy to get all kinds of great ideas for gifts, recipes, and decor. On the down side, seeing all the picture-perfect crafts and family outings online can make us feel like our efforts don’t measure up. The challenge, then, is to find what’s good about social media — what makes our holiday celebrations more meaningful and fun — and ignore all the rest. First of all, let’s step back and think about what makes social media so popular in the first place: it builds connections between people. You

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