What is the Hormone DHEA and Is it Right for You?

Are you exhausted all the time and feeling depressed more often than not?  Are you starting to see added fluff around your belly and you haven’t done anything differently?  Are you developing more aching joints and getting sick more easily?  Is your sex life almost nonexistent because the urge just isn’t there anymore?  If you’ve said yes to any of these questions, you have low DHEA and need some support.


DHEA has been linked to athletes “doping” with steroids and has seen labels from “fountain of youth drug” to fraud. The very real benefits of DHEA, particularly for women, got a little lost in all the controversy.

Let’s begin with defining what DHEA is.  DHEA is short for dehydroepiandrosterone, a steroid hormone made from cholesterol and secreted by the adrenal glands. On average, adults make 25mg per day, but production declines with age.  Men at all ages produce more DHEA than women.  DHEA is one of the most abundant hormones in the human body.  The adrenal glands are the major source of DHEA production in our bodies, but men also secrete it from their testes.  Once produced, your body converts it to several other hormones including androstenedione, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, earning it the nickname “the parent hormone.”

Benefits Stress Management

The adrenal glands make not only DHEA, but also the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Adrenal exhaustion from coping with chronic stress due to poor nutrition, yo-yo dieting, emotional havoc, and job-related stress means your adrenals are bone-tired from pumping out cortisol and they can’t make enough DHEA to support a healthy hormonal balance. The end result is you feeling tapped out, overwhelmed and most likely depressed!  DHEA supplementation can help you cope better with your stress level, boost energy, improve mood, and enhance alertness.

Aids in Weight Loss and Building Muscle Mass

DHEA improves muscle mass which we lose with age.  Loss of muscle mass leads to a decrease in our ability to burn calories and fat even while at rest.  DHEA helps us also to move glucose into cells for energy, reducing insulin levels and stimulating fat burning.

Strengthened Immune Function

As we age, we make fewer antibodies to pathogens and our immune systems become weaker.  This makes us more susceptible to infection, which is the fourth leading cause of death after heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Studies have shown that DHEA improves immune function and that it appears to stimulate the production of antibodies and also of natural killer cells helping us fight infections better.

Lowers Inflammation

Inflammation is the root of most diseases and is linked to just about every age-related health problem that exists.  Research shows that people with metabolic syndrome, a term characterized by a combination of risk factors related to high inflammation such as obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes, tend to have lower DHEA levels. Scientists also associate low DHEA with inflammatory autoimmune disorders like lupus and arthritis. Studies involving women with autoimmune disorders like lupus and thyroid disorders suggest that low DHEA levels negatively impact internal organs, the skin and the immune system.  Research has shown that DHEA supplementation helps to improve symptoms of aches and pains, ongoing fatigue, and inflammatory skin reactions safely.

Improves Heart Health, Bone Density, and Lowers Diabetes Risk

Research shows that DHEA can improve blood vessel function, thus reducing the risk of heart disease. With age, bone loss occurs at higher rates in people with thyroid or autoimmune disorders, poor diets, sedentary lifestyles and hormonal imbalances.  Evidence suggests that higher DHEA levels improve estrogen production, resulting in higher bone mineral density in older or post-menopausal women since they are most at risk for bone-related disorders.  Clinical studies also suggest that DHEA improves the use of glucose and insulin, thus lowering the risk of insulin resistance, which leads to diabetes.

Protects against Depression, Cognitive Decline and Mood Swings

Studies show higher levels of DHEA can lower rates of major depression and improve overall emotional stability.  According to the National Institutes of Health, DHEA can be used to slow or reverse cognitive decline as a result of aging, including improving thinking skills in older people and slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s.

Enhanced Libido

Women seem to have an increase in libido when supplementing with DHEA.  This could be due to a slight but significant increase in testosterone levels.  This effect is dramatically evident in older women, who have been reported to experience not only increased desire but also increases sexual activity and satisfaction.

DHEA Must Be Used Wisely

There is a delicate hormonal balance that must occur in the body for normal, healthy functioning. Keep in mind that DHEA can convert to other hormones in the body (see above).  Supplementing with too much can upset your hormonal profile and lead to sexual health problems like low erection level, fertility health condition, and breast tenderness in women.  In addition, too much DHEA can cause unwanted side effects such as irregular menstrual cycle, excessive sweating, facial hair growth and ovarian infection in women.  Common side effects seen in men are acne breakouts on facial and back skin, male pattern baldness, hair loss, stomach ache, emotional behavioral changes, and high blood pressure.

DHEA is a powerful hormone. It works differently than other vitamins, minerals, or supplements.  Hormones are not easily excreted through urine and can cause problems when they are taken in excessive amounts, since all hormones need to balance each other out and work together.  DHEA doesn’t have the same effects in everyone, and it’s important to keep in mind that it has a very complex biochemistry, making results somewhat variable and unpredictable.  There is no one-size-fits-all dose for DHEA.

DHEA supplements are not all manufactured the same, so do your research before purchasing.  There is no guarantee that what you’re buying is the real deal.  Manufacturing practices and how the product is formulated are important considerations when purchasing supplements.  Also, many DHEA supplements on the shelf have dosages that are way too high for most women.  It’s unwise to experiment with DHEA for women at these levels without clinical guidance.  There are many dosage forms available depending on the need of the individual. Compounded versions (at compounding pharmacies) are uniquely effective because they can be customized to your specific need.

In order to know whether you need supplementation or how much you need, saliva testing of cortisol and DHEA-S levels can help to determine the status of your adrenal function.  Taking DHEA alone while your adrenals are exhausted won’t do any good.  Your lifestyle, diet, stress levels, and individual biochemistry all contribute to proper adrenal functions and DHEA levels.  Combined with nutritional support and necessary lifestyle changes, DHEA supplementation can make a tremendous difference in hormonal health.

If you have symptoms mentioned above and think you need adrenal support beyond sleep and relaxation techniques, get tested at TLC Pharmacy. Our pharmacist who specializes in women’s health can help you balance your adrenals, and hence, balance your life.

Picture of Zoom H. Heaton

Zoom H. Heaton

TLC Medical Centre pharmacy is a traditional pharmacy offering specialized services such as medical equipment, compression stocking fittings, diabetic shoes fitting with shoe selection on site, vaccinations throughout the year and medical compounding (our compounding lab is located inside TLC called Custom Prescription Compounders, LLC). Our compounding pharmacist Zoom H. Heaton is also board certified in Anti-aging, Metabolic and Functional medicine. She works with patients needing help with various medical needs such as bio-identical hormone management, adrenal and thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, weight management, pain management compounding, nutritional guidance using specialized testing and much much more. If you feel that your health needs a change for the better, call us at 803.648.7800 extension 200 and make an appointment. The first 15 minutes of your consultation with Zoom is free.
Picture of Zoom H. Heaton

Zoom H. Heaton

TLC Medical Centre pharmacy is a traditional pharmacy offering specialized services such as medical equipment, compression stocking fittings, diabetic shoes fitting with shoe selection on site, vaccinations throughout the year and medical compounding (our compounding lab is located inside TLC called Custom Prescription Compounders, LLC). Our compounding pharmacist Zoom H. Heaton is also board certified in Anti-aging, Metabolic and Functional medicine. She works with patients needing help with various medical needs such as bio-identical hormone management, adrenal and thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, weight management, pain management compounding, nutritional guidance using specialized testing and much much more. If you feel that your health needs a change for the better, call us at 803.648.7800 extension 200 and make an appointment. The first 15 minutes of your consultation with Zoom is free.

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